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helicopter crash videos

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  • Member since
    June 2005
  • From: MCAS Miramar
Posted by SSgtD6152 on Monday, March 6, 2006 2:19 AM
 navyao wrote:

I usually hang out in the fixed wing forum but decided to take a look in hear this morning.  I have to admit, it isn't often I find fellow model builders and a Marine talking about my late buddy Gunny Paige.  I've attached a news article written about him a few years after the mishap.  It will explain some of the reasons why "Rockey 604" went in that day.  JP was a very good friend of mine, a day doesn't pass that I don't think about him.  He was the kind of guy you want your children to become.  Take the time and read the article.

SSgtD6152, It'd be great if you have some time to e-mail me regarding Gunny Paige...Thanks 

IN THE LINE OF DUTY; It Took Only 40 Seconds for the CH-46 Sea Knight
Helicopter to Roll and Sink to the Bottom of the Ocean. That's All the
Time It Took for One Gunnery Sergeant to Prove That Heroism Is Not

(Copyright (c) 2001 Los Angeles Times)
When the CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter, number 154790, lifted slowly off
the deck of the amphibious assault ship Bonhomme Richard on a sunny
winter afternoon, Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. James P. Paige Jr. was
right where he wanted to be.

Paige had not been scheduled to take part in that training flight in
which the helicopter would ferry 12 Marines and one Navy corpsman to
the oiler Pecos for a risky, exacting exercise in "fast roping" down to a
"hostile" ship and taking control at gunpoint. He'd been on limited
duty since breaking a bone in his foot two months earlier and could have
stayed aboard the Bonhomme Richard, part of a pre-deployment exercise
14 miles off San Diego.

Truth be told, Paige could have been back in his native New Jersey,
drawing a pension and starting a second career in law enforcement; at
37, he had been a Marine since he was 16. He'd made tentative plans for
the second half of his life but instead had signed up for one final,
yearlong tour of duty. The lure of an assignment in sunny San Diego and
the opportunity for overseas deployment proved irresistible.

There were friends who could not understand the appeal of another
year of bone-rattling rides aboard the aging Sea Knights, another year
of trying to match the strength and endurance of young men half his
age, another possible deployment at sea away from his wife and their young
daughter. But his family understood.

Paige had never wanted to be anything but a Marine. As a kid he
fashioned his own Marine Corps dress uniform, complete with a red strip
down the seam of his jeans, and marched in Memorial Day parades. He
left high school and enlisted.

He was in the Military Police for a time before finding his true love:
helicopters. He trained as a helicopter crew member, a job that
involves the loading and unloading of men, equipment and weaponry with equal
emphasis on speed and safety. In the air, enlisted crewmen are required
to assist the pilots by looking outside the aircraft for obstacles and
advising them about speed and altitude.

As a fighting force that arrives from the sea and strikes quickly, the
Marine Corps is dependent on its helicopters and its men, particularly
in the senior enlisted ranks, who fly them. Being one of those men was
the joy of James Paige's life.

With a brief tour as a recruiter, Paige's career had comprised a series
of duty stations with helicopter squadrons, including the elite unit
assigned to Marine One, the helicopter reserved for the president of
the United States, his family and their guests. Paige served on Marine One
during the latter months of George Bush's presidency and the first
months of the Clinton administration.

A decade earlier, Paige had received a far different set of orders,
also at the behest of a president. His squadron was among those Marine
units sent by President Ronald Reagan on an ill- defined mission to
serve as a stabilizing force in war-torn Beirut.

Humberto Morin, who served on a helicopter crew with Paige in Beirut,
said Paige was the kind of Marine who was not afraid of dying, "only
afraid of not getting the job done right the first time."

On Oct. 23, 1983, Paige left the Marine barracks adjacent to the Beirut
International Airport shortly after 6 a.m., eager to get to work early.

A few minutes later, a yellow Mercedes-Benz five-ton open-bed truck
packed with explosives roared past sentries and over concertina wire
and crashed into the four-story barracks. The building was reduced to
rubble in an instant; 220 Marines were killed, more than any single day since
the landing on Iwo Jima. Eighteen Navy corpsmen and three Army soldiers
were also killed by the suicide-terrorist.

For 72 hours Paige frantically dug through the rubble, sometimes with
shovels and picks, sometimes with bare and bloody hands, hoping
desperately to find Marines who were still alive. At home, his family
did not know whether he was among the dead or the living.

He was not a man normally given to introspection, but after he returned
from Beirut, he told a hometown newspaper that he was forever changed
by the horror he had seen and that he felt "older inside." He was 21.

"He was a man when he came home--he had lost his innocence," says
Paige's sister, Ellen Prusecki. "The smell of death and the image of
being unable to rescue his fellow Marines never left him."

Like a number of Beirut survivors, Paige got a special tattoo on his
arm, "Oct. 23, 1983. Beirut, Lebanon. 241." And each year on the
anniversary of the terrorist attack, he would phone other survivors for
conversations only they understood.

Unit from Camp Pendleton, along with a helicopter squadron from Miramar
Marine Corps Air Station in San Diego, were training for a six-month
deployment to the Persian Gulf.

For six months, the Marines would be "on station," waiting to mount an
amphibious assault should Saddam Hussein threaten his neighbors, or
possibly to board an oil tanker on the high seas to enforce U.S. trade

As a gunnery sergeant, one of the highest ranks attainable by an
enlisted man, Paige would be in the thick of things as a helicopter
crew chief.

A gunnery sergeant, or "gunny," is a rank entrusted with a particular
responsibility to instruct younger enlisted men on how to get the job
done, how to act like Marines and sometimes how to stay alive when
staying alive is not easy. A smart junior officer takes his cues from a

By all accounts, being a gunnery sergeant was a job that Paige took
very seriously. John Sieke, Paige's older brother and an Air Force
veteran, remembers a conversation just days before the flight of the
CH-46 Sea Knight.

A friend, accompanying Paige to the airport where he would catch a
plane to California, was puzzled why Paige was staying in the Marine
Corps; he could have retired with 20 years and started to live a more
normal life.

"My brother said: 'If I can save just one life by teaching these young
Marines what to do, then I've done my job,' " Sieke says.

Even in a profession where a "gung-ho" attitude is common, Paige was
known as a "lead-from-the-front" type.

Lt. Col. Matthew Redfern, commanding officer of helicopter squadron
166, was not surprised when Paige requested permission to be part of
the mission that day, Dec. 9, 1999, even though the helicopter already had
a full four-man crew.

Paige had joined the squadron that summer and, as a crew chief who had
flown missions in Beirut under heavy sniper fire, served as a role
model for younger Marines. First to arrive in the morning, last to leave at
night, always concerned with maintenance, always eager to fly.

"Gunny was a hard-charger," says Redfern, who gladly granted

As the helicopter lifted off, Paige, with more helicopter time than any
man aboard--1,849 hours--was manning the right-side gun position just
behind the crew door. After a two-month layoff with the busted foot, he
was back in the air and happy.

"When and if you fly with someone that senior to you, you learn things
from them," says Sgt. Robert Evers, who was seated on the opposite side
of the helicopter. "And if you ever turn down an opportunity like that
you're a fool."

helicopter is no pleasure cruise. Even the men who love them curse them
on occasion.

Big (16 feet, 8 inches tall), bulky, noisy (communication is by headset
or hand signals) and given to eye-rattling vibrations, the CH-46 was
introduced during the Vietnam War. With careful maintenance and
upgrades, it has continued to be the Marine Corps' premier medium-lift,
all-weather assault helicopter. And it is not unusual for it to be
older than the Marines inside.

Miles of cable and plastic-coated electrical wire line the overhead of
the cargo portion. There are two doors in front and four windows that
can be used as emergency exits, and a 34-inch square covered opening in
the floor called the "hell hole"--for both emergencies and
"fast-roping" exercises.

In the air, the CH-46 has a top speed of 166 mph, a range of 150 miles
and a maximum takeoff weight of 24,300 pounds. In the water, the dull
blue-gray hunk of metal doesn't float worth a damn. The Marine Corps
has installed emergency flotation devices to help its helicopters stay
afloat long enough for the crew to escape, but those devices presuppose
an orderly, horizontal landing.

At 12:47 p.m. the CH-46 lifted off from the Bonhomme Richard as the
lead of five helicopters on an exercise to train Marines how to "take
down" a hostile ship at sea. While SEALs boarded the ship from rubber
boats, the Marines would lower themselves hand over hand from a rope
dangling from the hovering helicopter. As part of the exercise, the
Marines lugged assorted weapons and breaching tools, including 16-pound
hammers and 30-pound cutting torches.

The crew sat on two benches running the length of the cabin. The CH-46
was so packed that a first lieutenant had to squat on an ammunition
can. Paige, although senior to the other two enlisted personnel on the crew,
was only meant to be an observer.

The Sea Knight proceeded uneventfully to a designated holding pattern
10 to 12 miles behind the rear of the target ship, the oiler Pecos,
manned mostly by civilians. At 1:06 p.m., with 10 miles' visibility, a
3-knot breeze and an air temperature of 60 degrees, Paige's helicopter
was given approval by the Pecos to begin an approach. At an initial
speed of slightly more than 100 mph and an altitude of 100 feet, the
helicopter headed toward the ship.

When the helicopter was about a quarter-mile behind the Pecos, Cpl.
Adam Johns, a member of the flight crew, told one of the pilots, Capt.
James Lukehart Jr., that the helicopter was "coming in fast."

"Yep, I'm going in fast," Lukehart replied as he slowed things down.

Lukehart and the other pilot, Capt. Andrew Smith, cut speed to about 60
mph and kept the aircraft at an altitude between 65 and 100 feet.

Smith gave a one-minute warning so the Marines could unbuckle and
prepare to stand and lower themselves through the hell hole. Smith then
gave a 30-second warning, by which time all the Marines were standing.

SEALs in boats behind the Pecos thought the helicopter was flying low;
perhaps the Marines planned to land rather than hover. Marines aboard
the CH-46 observed an inordinate amount of propeller wash in the water.

The chief mate aboard the Pecos, assigned as a landing safety officer,
saw the helicopter at 100 yards out and began to provide arm and hand
signals for the pilots to increase power and altitude. But he was
dressed in white, not the traditional yellow for landing safety
officers, and Smith and Lukehart ignored his instructions. At a routine
briefing on the Bonhomme Richard, no one had told them that the landing
safety officer would be in white.

Helicopter 154790 continued on its course.

A Navy captain aboard the Pecos screamed "power" into the radio, but
the CH-46 did not receive the instructions and neither pilot responded.
The white-clad officer began to motion frantically that the helicopter
was coming in too low. At the same time, Johns told the pilots,
"Looking good and keep driving it in."

As the Sea Knight reached the Pecos, Smith and Lukehart believed it to
be 15 to 20 feet above the deck. But as the helicopter crossed the
deck, Johns realized that the aircraft was "losing altitude" and made a
"power" call, the first such call that Smith remembered hearing. Sgt.
Evers heard a thumping noise at the rear and thought it must be the
sound of the aircraft landing on the deck. "What's going on?" he
demanded over his headset.

In a deviation from standard policy, Evers did not look outside the
left-side window. If he had, he could have seen that the left rear
wheel had hit a "man-overboard" safety netting at the rear of the Pecos.

A second after the thump, Lukehart's radio exploded with calls for
"power, power, power," issued by observers on the Pecos who could not
see that the wheel was fouled in the safety netting. Lukehart applied
more power, and the front portion of the helicopter began to lift. The
rear section, in effect, was anchored, and the helicopter lifted
slowly, agonizingly, to an unnatural, almost upright position.

"If you've ever been on a roller coaster, the tick, tick, tick of the
big hill before you get the momentum to go down the rest of the roller
coaster, that [was what it was like]," says Staff Sgt. Timothy Mueller,
an intelligence specialist with the Marines. "It felt like we were
ticking back. And then when we heard the engines scream . . . everybody
in uniform said, oh, s -- -- --!"

With the nose of the CH-46 straining upward, the helicopter rolled
gently to its left and crashed heavily into the ocean. It was so close
to the Pecos that spray hit the deck. The propellers exploded into
thousands of pieces and the helicopter began filling with water as it
continued to roll over. It had taken six seconds from the moment Evers heard the "thump" to the

The unbuckled Marines were thrown asunder. Heavy, sharp-edged equipment
floated everywhere. Safety lights failed. The helicopter's flotation
device failed to activate. The pilots' escape doors failed. Staff Sgt.
Mark Schmidt said later: "It was so dark that I couldn't see anybody's

Marines struggled to remember their safety training: wait for the
helicopter to stop rotating, find a reference point and move quickly to
a window or door. Men jumped or were pushed from the hell hole, the
side doors and the giant hatch at the rear. They tried desperately to shed
the rifles and gear that weighed them down. Some found their escape
route blocked by bodies or floating equipment. Others, who lost
consciousness upon impact, were groggy.

Capt. Eric Kapitulik, the platoon commander, thought to himself: "I
don't want to die this way."

Smith, one of the pilots, clawed his way down the aisle of the cabin,
looking for open windows. In the darkness, he missed the open crew
door. Only on a second attempt did he find an open window.

Fear of death focuses one's attention rather sharply. Of the 11
survivors, according to a Marine Corps investigation, only two recalled
seeing anyone in the moments before or after the crash "due to
disorientation, shock, rushing air bubbles, murky water or lack of

Those two remembered seeing Paige. While most scrambled for their
lives, Paige was pushing, shoving and heaving fellow Marines out the
doors. Among all the Marines aboard, Paige, sitting near a door, had
one of the easiest escape routes and was not burdened with heavy gear. A
few swimming strokes, and he could have been safe.

Instead, he stayed. Evers remembers seeing Paige saving others as the
helicopter stopped moving and began sinking rapidly. "As we were
sinking, there was some light. It was coming through the gunner's door
and the hell hole and the hatch and all the parts of the aircraft . . .
I saw Gunny Paige . . . Somehow he got more forward, and he was helping
people out of the crew door also. We went down. It got dark. I lost
him. I couldn't see him anymore."

No one knows how many Marines were saved by Paige. Some had been
knocked unconscious by the crash and only regained consciousness when
they bobbed to the surface.

Just 40 seconds after the helicopter's wheel had become ensnared in the
ship's safety fence, it was over. The Sea Knight sank in 3,900 feet of
water, with six Marines and a Navy corpsman still inside. One of the
Marines was James Paige.

The 11 survivors were plucked quickly from the water by crewmen in
rubber boats who had just delivered the SEALs. The helicopter sank so
quickly that there was no time to mount a diving attempt to look for
additional survivors. It took two weeks before the seven bodies were
recovered by the Navy's remote-control vehicle Scorpio. Autopsies
suggested that several of the dead were already unconscious when the
helo filled with water.

At a memorial service a week later at Camp Pendleton, Paige received
special praise. With tears in his eyes, Redfern told 1,400 Marines and
their families that Paige had died as he had lived, "in the middle of
the action."

A MARINE CORPS INVESTIGATION completed six months later faulted Sgt.
Robert Evers for not noticing that the left wheel of the Sea Knight was
entangled. It also noted that the preflight briefing was deficient.
Evers has since left the Corps; the pilots are back on flight status.

James Paige's ashes have been spread off the coast of Peleliu Island in
the South Pacific, scene of a Marine battle in World War II.

Last December, a quiet ceremony to honor Paige was held at Sayreville
War Memorial High School in Sayreville, N.J. Paige's widow, Marianne,
accepted the Navy and Marine Corps Medal on his behalf. She has moved
to Pennsylvania and attends East Stroudsburg University. She plans to "do
what's best" for their 3-year-old daughter, Annalee Marine Paige.

Marianne Paige bears no ill will toward the Marine Corps or any
individual Marine. She knew the risks of her husband's profession and
accepted them. One of her proudest possessions is a drawing of a CH-46
signed by members of one of the squadrons where he served.

Ellen Prusecki, Paige's sister, is not surprised that her brother
thought of others rather than himself. Not after Beirut.

"If he had saved himself and left others behind, he would never have
been able to live with himself," Prusecki says. "He'd have just kept
thinking: 'I left my men.' "

The citation for Paige's medal, signed by Marine Commandant Gen. James
Jones, speaks of heroism and valor and how "in total disregard of his
own safety" Paige helped others escape.

Marianne Paige has a simpler explanation for Annalee, who still looks
up at passing helicopters and asks when her father is coming home:
"Daddy stayed in the water to help people. He stayed too long. That's
why he went to heaven. Daddy was a hero. Your daddy was a Marine."

I had to get a new name, I had to resubscribe.

Sgt Evers was the Safety NATOPS too, I took him and two others to Balboa, in Rockey 610. Evers got, Fed Up bad by his Gun. He got out of the Corps and in Australia with his wife.


How did you know Gunny Page? We called Him, (Jimmy the Tow) because he broke his big tow. The last time I talked to him was on my plane, back on the B.H.R. He kicked me in the @$$ because I was making fun of him and his big tow!!! HE WAS A GOOD MAN!!!! I think about that day all the time.

The bad Thing is that two nights later, I hit power lines.

HMM-166 just has bad luck, Ya know. They just left on a 6-month cruse. Their C.O. Had them take the 6 in front of there MODEX’s so it is not 601 it is just 01, 02. 03 ec.

  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: Aaaaah.... Alpha Apaches... A beautiful thing!
Posted by Cobrahistorian on Sunday, March 5, 2006 7:41 PM


I've seen the vid, although they didn't show it to us.  My assessment of the crash was very similar to the Dauphin.  Basically after coming in too fast, he flared too low and bumped the tail rotor housing on the ground.  He probably then ingested something into the tail rotor, shearing the driveshaft and starting the helicoper's spin until it beat itself to death.  From what I hear, the crew and troops aboard escaped with only minor injuries. 


"1-6 is in hot"
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, March 5, 2006 12:10 PM
 Cobrahistorian wrote:

Yep, thankfully the -67's a bit more forgiving than the 55 was.  Nickel ride's on Wednesday!

They showed us another video during dunker too.  I believe it was the Hong Kong PD's Dauphin doing a SAR demo.  The rescue swimmer was about to go out the door when they had a compressor stall.  The bird lost altitude and dipped the tail rotor in the water, severing the t/r driveshaft.  The bird then began to spin (tossing the swimmer) and impacted the water.  It couldn't have been more than 5 feet deep, but the pilot died in the crash because he swam towards the light (in the chin bubble) instead of egressing the aircraft properly.  The rest of the crew (including the rescue swimmer who got tossed) survived with minimal injuries. 

        I have that video as well. What a bad situation. Did they show you the Puma crash after the hard landing? I posted it on my video page. How in your opinon would that happen? Come in too fast?
  • Member since
    May 2004
  • From: Oak Creek, WI, USA
Posted by navyao on Sunday, March 5, 2006 5:56 AM

I usually hang out in the fixed wing forum but decided to take a look in hear this morning.  I have to admit, it isn't often I find fellow model builders and a Marine talking about my late buddy Gunny Paige.  I've attached a news article written about him a few years after the mishap.  It will explain some of the reasons why "Rockey 604" went in that day.  JP was a very good friend of mine, a day doesn't pass that I don't think about him.  He was the kind of guy you want your children to become.  Take the time and read the article.

SSgtD6152, It'd be great if you have some time to e-mail me regarding Gunny Paige...Thanks 

IN THE LINE OF DUTY; It Took Only 40 Seconds for the CH-46 Sea Knight
Helicopter to Roll and Sink to the Bottom of the Ocean. That's All the
Time It Took for One Gunnery Sergeant to Prove That Heroism Is Not

(Copyright (c) 2001 Los Angeles Times)
When the CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter, number 154790, lifted slowly off
the deck of the amphibious assault ship Bonhomme Richard on a sunny
winter afternoon, Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. James P. Paige Jr. was
right where he wanted to be.

Paige had not been scheduled to take part in that training flight in
which the helicopter would ferry 12 Marines and one Navy corpsman to
the oiler Pecos for a risky, exacting exercise in "fast roping" down to a
"hostile" ship and taking control at gunpoint. He'd been on limited
duty since breaking a bone in his foot two months earlier and could have
stayed aboard the Bonhomme Richard, part of a pre-deployment exercise
14 miles off San Diego.

Truth be told, Paige could have been back in his native New Jersey,
drawing a pension and starting a second career in law enforcement; at
37, he had been a Marine since he was 16. He'd made tentative plans for
the second half of his life but instead had signed up for one final,
yearlong tour of duty. The lure of an assignment in sunny San Diego and
the opportunity for overseas deployment proved irresistible.

There were friends who could not understand the appeal of another
year of bone-rattling rides aboard the aging Sea Knights, another year
of trying to match the strength and endurance of young men half his
age, another possible deployment at sea away from his wife and their young
daughter. But his family understood.

Paige had never wanted to be anything but a Marine. As a kid he
fashioned his own Marine Corps dress uniform, complete with a red strip
down the seam of his jeans, and marched in Memorial Day parades. He
left high school and enlisted.

He was in the Military Police for a time before finding his true love:
helicopters. He trained as a helicopter crew member, a job that
involves the loading and unloading of men, equipment and weaponry with equal
emphasis on speed and safety. In the air, enlisted crewmen are required
to assist the pilots by looking outside the aircraft for obstacles and
advising them about speed and altitude.

As a fighting force that arrives from the sea and strikes quickly, the
Marine Corps is dependent on its helicopters and its men, particularly
in the senior enlisted ranks, who fly them. Being one of those men was
the joy of James Paige's life.

With a brief tour as a recruiter, Paige's career had comprised a series
of duty stations with helicopter squadrons, including the elite unit
assigned to Marine One, the helicopter reserved for the president of
the United States, his family and their guests. Paige served on Marine One
during the latter months of George Bush's presidency and the first
months of the Clinton administration.

A decade earlier, Paige had received a far different set of orders,
also at the behest of a president. His squadron was among those Marine
units sent by President Ronald Reagan on an ill- defined mission to
serve as a stabilizing force in war-torn Beirut.

Humberto Morin, who served on a helicopter crew with Paige in Beirut,
said Paige was the kind of Marine who was not afraid of dying, "only
afraid of not getting the job done right the first time."

On Oct. 23, 1983, Paige left the Marine barracks adjacent to the Beirut
International Airport shortly after 6 a.m., eager to get to work early.

A few minutes later, a yellow Mercedes-Benz five-ton open-bed truck
packed with explosives roared past sentries and over concertina wire
and crashed into the four-story barracks. The building was reduced to
rubble in an instant; 220 Marines were killed, more than any single day since
the landing on Iwo Jima. Eighteen Navy corpsmen and three Army soldiers
were also killed by the suicide-terrorist.

For 72 hours Paige frantically dug through the rubble, sometimes with
shovels and picks, sometimes with bare and bloody hands, hoping
desperately to find Marines who were still alive. At home, his family
did not know whether he was among the dead or the living.

He was not a man normally given to introspection, but after he returned
from Beirut, he told a hometown newspaper that he was forever changed
by the horror he had seen and that he felt "older inside." He was 21.

"He was a man when he came home--he had lost his innocence," says
Paige's sister, Ellen Prusecki. "The smell of death and the image of
being unable to rescue his fellow Marines never left him."

Like a number of Beirut survivors, Paige got a special tattoo on his
arm, "Oct. 23, 1983. Beirut, Lebanon. 241." And each year on the
anniversary of the terrorist attack, he would phone other survivors for
conversations only they understood.

Unit from Camp Pendleton, along with a helicopter squadron from Miramar
Marine Corps Air Station in San Diego, were training for a six-month
deployment to the Persian Gulf.

For six months, the Marines would be "on station," waiting to mount an
amphibious assault should Saddam Hussein threaten his neighbors, or
possibly to board an oil tanker on the high seas to enforce U.S. trade

As a gunnery sergeant, one of the highest ranks attainable by an
enlisted man, Paige would be in the thick of things as a helicopter
crew chief.

A gunnery sergeant, or "gunny," is a rank entrusted with a particular
responsibility to instruct younger enlisted men on how to get the job
done, how to act like Marines and sometimes how to stay alive when
staying alive is not easy. A smart junior officer takes his cues from a

By all accounts, being a gunnery sergeant was a job that Paige took
very seriously. John Sieke, Paige's older brother and an Air Force
veteran, remembers a conversation just days before the flight of the
CH-46 Sea Knight.

A friend, accompanying Paige to the airport where he would catch a
plane to California, was puzzled why Paige was staying in the Marine
Corps; he could have retired with 20 years and started to live a more
normal life.

"My brother said: 'If I can save just one life by teaching these young
Marines what to do, then I've done my job,' " Sieke says.

Even in a profession where a "gung-ho" attitude is common, Paige was
known as a "lead-from-the-front" type.

Lt. Col. Matthew Redfern, commanding officer of helicopter squadron
166, was not surprised when Paige requested permission to be part of
the mission that day, Dec. 9, 1999, even though the helicopter already had
a full four-man crew.

Paige had joined the squadron that summer and, as a crew chief who had
flown missions in Beirut under heavy sniper fire, served as a role
model for younger Marines. First to arrive in the morning, last to leave at
night, always concerned with maintenance, always eager to fly.

"Gunny was a hard-charger," says Redfern, who gladly granted

As the helicopter lifted off, Paige, with more helicopter time than any
man aboard--1,849 hours--was manning the right-side gun position just
behind the crew door. After a two-month layoff with the busted foot, he
was back in the air and happy.

"When and if you fly with someone that senior to you, you learn things
from them," says Sgt. Robert Evers, who was seated on the opposite side
of the helicopter. "And if you ever turn down an opportunity like that
you're a fool."

helicopter is no pleasure cruise. Even the men who love them curse them
on occasion.

Big (16 feet, 8 inches tall), bulky, noisy (communication is by headset
or hand signals) and given to eye-rattling vibrations, the CH-46 was
introduced during the Vietnam War. With careful maintenance and
upgrades, it has continued to be the Marine Corps' premier medium-lift,
all-weather assault helicopter. And it is not unusual for it to be
older than the Marines inside.

Miles of cable and plastic-coated electrical wire line the overhead of
the cargo portion. There are two doors in front and four windows that
can be used as emergency exits, and a 34-inch square covered opening in
the floor called the "hell hole"--for both emergencies and
"fast-roping" exercises.

In the air, the CH-46 has a top speed of 166 mph, a range of 150 miles
and a maximum takeoff weight of 24,300 pounds. In the water, the dull
blue-gray hunk of metal doesn't float worth a damn. The Marine Corps
has installed emergency flotation devices to help its helicopters stay
afloat long enough for the crew to escape, but those devices presuppose
an orderly, horizontal landing.

At 12:47 p.m. the CH-46 lifted off from the Bonhomme Richard as the
lead of five helicopters on an exercise to train Marines how to "take
down" a hostile ship at sea. While SEALs boarded the ship from rubber
boats, the Marines would lower themselves hand over hand from a rope
dangling from the hovering helicopter. As part of the exercise, the
Marines lugged assorted weapons and breaching tools, including 16-pound
hammers and 30-pound cutting torches.

The crew sat on two benches running the length of the cabin. The CH-46
was so packed that a first lieutenant had to squat on an ammunition
can. Paige, although senior to the other two enlisted personnel on the crew,
was only meant to be an observer.

The Sea Knight proceeded uneventfully to a designated holding pattern
10 to 12 miles behind the rear of the target ship, the oiler Pecos,
manned mostly by civilians. At 1:06 p.m., with 10 miles' visibility, a
3-knot breeze and an air temperature of 60 degrees, Paige's helicopter
was given approval by the Pecos to begin an approach. At an initial
speed of slightly more than 100 mph and an altitude of 100 feet, the
helicopter headed toward the ship.

When the helicopter was about a quarter-mile behind the Pecos, Cpl.
Adam Johns, a member of the flight crew, told one of the pilots, Capt.
James Lukehart Jr., that the helicopter was "coming in fast."

"Yep, I'm going in fast," Lukehart replied as he slowed things down.

Lukehart and the other pilot, Capt. Andrew Smith, cut speed to about 60
mph and kept the aircraft at an altitude between 65 and 100 feet.

Smith gave a one-minute warning so the Marines could unbuckle and
prepare to stand and lower themselves through the hell hole. Smith then
gave a 30-second warning, by which time all the Marines were standing.

SEALs in boats behind the Pecos thought the helicopter was flying low;
perhaps the Marines planned to land rather than hover. Marines aboard
the CH-46 observed an inordinate amount of propeller wash in the water.

The chief mate aboard the Pecos, assigned as a landing safety officer,
saw the helicopter at 100 yards out and began to provide arm and hand
signals for the pilots to increase power and altitude. But he was
dressed in white, not the traditional yellow for landing safety
officers, and Smith and Lukehart ignored his instructions. At a routine
briefing on the Bonhomme Richard, no one had told them that the landing
safety officer would be in white.

Helicopter 154790 continued on its course.

A Navy captain aboard the Pecos screamed "power" into the radio, but
the CH-46 did not receive the instructions and neither pilot responded.
The white-clad officer began to motion frantically that the helicopter
was coming in too low. At the same time, Johns told the pilots,
"Looking good and keep driving it in."

As the Sea Knight reached the Pecos, Smith and Lukehart believed it to
be 15 to 20 feet above the deck. But as the helicopter crossed the
deck, Johns realized that the aircraft was "losing altitude" and made a
"power" call, the first such call that Smith remembered hearing. Sgt.
Evers heard a thumping noise at the rear and thought it must be the
sound of the aircraft landing on the deck. "What's going on?" he
demanded over his headset.

In a deviation from standard policy, Evers did not look outside the
left-side window. If he had, he could have seen that the left rear
wheel had hit a "man-overboard" safety netting at the rear of the Pecos.

A second after the thump, Lukehart's radio exploded with calls for
"power, power, power," issued by observers on the Pecos who could not
see that the wheel was fouled in the safety netting. Lukehart applied
more power, and the front portion of the helicopter began to lift. The
rear section, in effect, was anchored, and the helicopter lifted
slowly, agonizingly, to an unnatural, almost upright position.

"If you've ever been on a roller coaster, the tick, tick, tick of the
big hill before you get the momentum to go down the rest of the roller
coaster, that [was what it was like]," says Staff Sgt. Timothy Mueller,
an intelligence specialist with the Marines. "It felt like we were
ticking back. And then when we heard the engines scream . . . everybody
in uniform said, oh, s -- -- --!"

With the nose of the CH-46 straining upward, the helicopter rolled
gently to its left and crashed heavily into the ocean. It was so close
to the Pecos that spray hit the deck. The propellers exploded into
thousands of pieces and the helicopter began filling with water as it
continued to roll over. It had taken six seconds from the moment Evers heard the "thump" to the

The unbuckled Marines were thrown asunder. Heavy, sharp-edged equipment
floated everywhere. Safety lights failed. The helicopter's flotation
device failed to activate. The pilots' escape doors failed. Staff Sgt.
Mark Schmidt said later: "It was so dark that I couldn't see anybody's

Marines struggled to remember their safety training: wait for the
helicopter to stop rotating, find a reference point and move quickly to
a window or door. Men jumped or were pushed from the hell hole, the
side doors and the giant hatch at the rear. They tried desperately to shed
the rifles and gear that weighed them down. Some found their escape
route blocked by bodies or floating equipment. Others, who lost
consciousness upon impact, were groggy.

Capt. Eric Kapitulik, the platoon commander, thought to himself: "I
don't want to die this way."

Smith, one of the pilots, clawed his way down the aisle of the cabin,
looking for open windows. In the darkness, he missed the open crew
door. Only on a second attempt did he find an open window.

Fear of death focuses one's attention rather sharply. Of the 11
survivors, according to a Marine Corps investigation, only two recalled
seeing anyone in the moments before or after the crash "due to
disorientation, shock, rushing air bubbles, murky water or lack of

Those two remembered seeing Paige. While most scrambled for their
lives, Paige was pushing, shoving and heaving fellow Marines out the
doors. Among all the Marines aboard, Paige, sitting near a door, had
one of the easiest escape routes and was not burdened with heavy gear. A
few swimming strokes, and he could have been safe.

Instead, he stayed. Evers remembers seeing Paige saving others as the
helicopter stopped moving and began sinking rapidly. "As we were
sinking, there was some light. It was coming through the gunner's door
and the hell hole and the hatch and all the parts of the aircraft . . .
I saw Gunny Paige . . . Somehow he got more forward, and he was helping
people out of the crew door also. We went down. It got dark. I lost
him. I couldn't see him anymore."

No one knows how many Marines were saved by Paige. Some had been
knocked unconscious by the crash and only regained consciousness when
they bobbed to the surface.

Just 40 seconds after the helicopter's wheel had become ensnared in the
ship's safety fence, it was over. The Sea Knight sank in 3,900 feet of
water, with six Marines and a Navy corpsman still inside. One of the
Marines was James Paige.

The 11 survivors were plucked quickly from the water by crewmen in
rubber boats who had just delivered the SEALs. The helicopter sank so
quickly that there was no time to mount a diving attempt to look for
additional survivors. It took two weeks before the seven bodies were
recovered by the Navy's remote-control vehicle Scorpio. Autopsies
suggested that several of the dead were already unconscious when the
helo filled with water.

At a memorial service a week later at Camp Pendleton, Paige received
special praise. With tears in his eyes, Redfern told 1,400 Marines and
their families that Paige had died as he had lived, "in the middle of
the action."

A MARINE CORPS INVESTIGATION completed six months later faulted Sgt.
Robert Evers for not noticing that the left wheel of the Sea Knight was
entangled. It also noted that the preflight briefing was deficient.
Evers has since left the Corps; the pilots are back on flight status.

James Paige's ashes have been spread off the coast of Peleliu Island in
the South Pacific, scene of a Marine battle in World War II.

Last December, a quiet ceremony to honor Paige was held at Sayreville
War Memorial High School in Sayreville, N.J. Paige's widow, Marianne,
accepted the Navy and Marine Corps Medal on his behalf. She has moved
to Pennsylvania and attends East Stroudsburg University. She plans to "do
what's best" for their 3-year-old daughter, Annalee Marine Paige.

Marianne Paige bears no ill will toward the Marine Corps or any
individual Marine. She knew the risks of her husband's profession and
accepted them. One of her proudest possessions is a drawing of a CH-46
signed by members of one of the squadrons where he served.

Ellen Prusecki, Paige's sister, is not surprised that her brother
thought of others rather than himself. Not after Beirut.

"If he had saved himself and left others behind, he would never have
been able to live with himself," Prusecki says. "He'd have just kept
thinking: 'I left my men.' "

The citation for Paige's medal, signed by Marine Commandant Gen. James
Jones, speaks of heroism and valor and how "in total disregard of his
own safety" Paige helped others escape.

Marianne Paige has a simpler explanation for Annalee, who still looks
up at passing helicopters and asks when her father is coming home:
"Daddy stayed in the water to help people. He stayed too long. That's
why he went to heaven. Daddy was a hero. Your daddy was a Marine."

AO, Baby!
  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: Aaaaah.... Alpha Apaches... A beautiful thing!
Posted by Cobrahistorian on Saturday, March 4, 2006 10:33 PM

Yep, thankfully the -67's a bit more forgiving than the 55 was.  Nickel ride's on Wednesday!

They showed us another video during dunker too.  I believe it was the Hong Kong PD's Dauphin doing a SAR demo.  The rescue swimmer was about to go out the door when they had a compressor stall.  The bird lost altitude and dipped the tail rotor in the water, severing the t/r driveshaft.  The bird then began to spin (tossing the swimmer) and impacted the water.  It couldn't have been more than 5 feet deep, but the pilot died in the crash because he swam towards the light (in the chin bubble) instead of egressing the aircraft properly.  The rest of the crew (including the rescue swimmer who got tossed) survived with minimal injuries. 

"1-6 is in hot"
  • Member since
    February 2003
  • From: phoenix
Posted by grandadjohn on Saturday, March 4, 2006 7:20 PM

That guy was an idiot, never really liked the -55 myself, lost a good friend in a crash of one back in 68.

Jon, you got the idea, know what you aircraft can and more important can't do

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, March 4, 2006 5:47 PM
 MontanaCowboy wrote:
If this is the video I remember seeing, that guy was so stupid. It was pretty funny though. He had 0 flight time, thought he could jump in and start it up...Laugh [(-D]

Yup thats the one.Apparently he had over 1000 hours fixed wing time. Guess that doesnt translate! Its on the link you just need to click it and then click see all videos.
  • Member since
    June 2005
  • From: I'm here physically, but not mentally.....
Posted by MontanaCowboy on Saturday, March 4, 2006 1:50 PM
If this is the video I remember seeing, that guy was so stupid. It was pretty funny though. He had 0 flight time, thought he could jump in and start it up...Laugh [(-D]
"You know, Life is like a Rollercoaster. Sometimes you just die unexpectedly." No wait, that's not it.
  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: Aaaaah.... Alpha Apaches... A beautiful thing!
Posted by Cobrahistorian on Thursday, March 2, 2006 4:41 PM

They have been showing us both the Phrog crash and the idiot in the TH-55 a LOT here.  Really drives home the point of knowing your aircraft, what it can do, and how to get out of it if you need to.  The Phrog crash was particularly emphasized during our Dunker training and was a pretty sobering reminder.  Doing cross-cabin egresses underblackout conditions is unnerving enough, with all of that gear on, maintaining calm enough to get out had to be near-impossible. 

As far as the moron in the -55, that's Darwinism at its finest.  Thankfully he didn't take out anything but his own bird (although a waste of a perfectly good Goblin!)



"1-6 is in hot"
  • Member since
    June 2005
  • From: MCAS Miramar
Posted by SSgtD6152 on Thursday, March 2, 2006 4:14 PM

This is the hole thing.Memorial services were conducted at 1300, 20 December 1999 at the Base Theater, Mainside, Camp Pendleton, CA. CMC and CG, MARFORPAC and SecNav were in attendance. The Memorial Services were held for those listed below:








All were reported missing and now presumed dead after their CH-46 helicopter got tangled with the netting on the USNS Pecos and the pilot lost control and was pitched upside down into the pacific ocean off Point Loma, CA. All Force Recon personnel were from the 5th Platoon. They were standing up and preparing to "Fast Rope" on to the deck of the USNS Pecos as part of a training exercise in preparation for deployment with the 15th MEU(SOC) next month. This was a Joint Operation with the SEALS, who were in the water aboard their boats preparing to assault from the sea. As the "bird" quickly sank (5 seconds), eleven (11) survivors "popped up" to the surface and were
immediately picked up by the SEALs.

The Eleven (11) survivors were:



The FRA has established a SCHOLARSHIP TRUST FOR THE SURVIVING CHILDREN of those tragically lost. The children are Frederick GALLOWAY, Age 7, Stetson GALLOWAY, Age 5 and William GALLOWAY, Age 4, all sons of SSgt. David E. GALLOWAY; Nicholas SABASTEANSKI, Age 18 Months, son of SSgt. Vincent A.
SABASTEANSKI; Derek BACA, son of Cpl. Mark A. Baca. HM1 Asis and SSgt Starling had no known children at this time.

Those desiring to make a donation to this Special Scholarship Trust may make their check or money order payable to "FRA SCHOLARSHIP TRUST FUND" and add a memo indicating if you want it donated to an individual "By Name" child or to be "Evenly Split" amongst all 5 children. No specific designation of donation will be evenly divided amongst all 5 children. Mail your donation(s) to:

3784-B MISSION AVE., PMB # 1775
OCEANSIDE, CA 92054- 1460


This is the incident as we now know it. Please understand that this is subject to change, but is accurate as of now. The platoon was doing a VBSS on a USN ship (i believe Pecos) Two helos, -1 and-2 , with the platoon split. They were going to land (if room), or fast rope if not. The SEAL platoon was assaulting from surface/up. The SBU RIB's were on other side of ship. The pilot of -1 struck, or otherwise fouled something on the ship (It is on video.) The A/C became unstable and rolled into the ocean. The A/C sank immediately. -2 waved off. The two pilots egressed successfully. One crewman escaped, one did not. Only one member of the Force Platoon forward of the hell hole got out. All the Force Marines (and the 1 EOD Marine) were jocked up. Sgt Ward also had a cutting torch. When the A/C impacted he was directly behind the cockpit. (Initially they believed he had broken his back on impact-
they now believe that it was a 2-3 year old parachute injury). He attempted to get out via the gunners station- his M4 sling caught on the .50, and he came back in. He located some air in the bottom of the A/C (which was now inverted), got a breath, removed some equipment, and swam out the clamshell. The Marine closest to the hell hole escaped through it- upwards, as the A/C was inverted. By the time they egressed, several reported that they were at 20' or more below the surface. This means that they were negatively bouyant, and swam out of the A/C and up to the surface with all of their equipment- Type 4 heavy body armor, helmet, MEU(SOC) Pistol, M4A1 Carbine, ammo, demo,
radios, breaching equipment etc. Except for Sgt. Ward, I don't believe anyone consciously ditched anything, nor were aware of that fact until they reached the surface. One Marine was trapped when his MEU(SOC) .45 caught on something in the helo. It was attached by a lanyard (recommended by me last year) to replace the non functional issue
lanyard. He pulled and the breakable link broke, permitting him to escape. Those who got out said that they could not follow the bubbles, as it was completely dark. One likened it to a school of minnows in a compressed space. Several stated that they got out the clamshell, some have no idea. Several stated that they could see the light at the surface and swam towards it, but most were out of air. The SBU heard the crash, responded immediately, and retrieved all of the Marines that had escaped. The 5th Platoon Commander, Capt. Kapitulik, sustained a broken leg. The Platoon Commander of the next deploying platoon, 1stLt (Mustang) Mike Butler along as an observer, has a severely lacerated liver. He is in critical condition. None of the others sustained other than minor injuries. Those that are officially missing are Ssgt Vincent Sabaetenski- married with a 2 yr old son; the platoon Corpsman, Doc Asis, married, no children, Cpl Baca, married with a 6 month old, Ssgt. Gallaway, married with 3 children, and Sgt. Starling. He died on the day of the promotion board met. CG had him promoted to Ssgt. One helo crewman and one EOD Marine from FSSG. I didn't know them. The CO stated that in every house, the presence of the Force Members was strong. Memorabilia, awards, manuals, books pertaining to Force. Doc Asis wife said that he truly loved the Company and those in it, and truly loved the mission. She is as motivated as her husband was, and gave a stirring talk to the medis sharks. The wives all stated that they understood what it was that their men did, and how much the Company was
like a family. They said that they would not have changed a thing.

The girlfriend of SSgt Starling lives in Las Vegas. The Company requested that the I&I make a notification to her, and requested that the Air Force provide a Chaplain. They apparently refused. Jointness possibly exists only in the minds of some.

The seven men are probably still trapped in the A/C, which lies in 3500' of cold Pacific Ocean, 15 miles off of the CA coast. A Memorial Service will be held on 20 Dec. The CMC will attend. A Scholarship fund is being set up for the children- info to follow.

An "expert" being interviewed on the news last night stated that it would be impossible for anyone to escape from a helo under those circumstances. The fact that these guys were as hard as they were in no small way contributed to their survival. When the CO visited the plt aboard ship, they all requested that they continue their deployment with the MEU(SOC). None wanted out, and they have sufficient volunteers to backfill the lost team.


On 09 December 1999, a USMC Force Reconnaissance platoon was assigned to perform a VBSS on the USNS Pecos as part of a training exercise in preparation for deployment with the 15th MEU(SOC) in January 2000. The assault team was comprised, in part, of two CH-46 helicopters assigned to the Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 166. These were designated numbers 1 and 2 , with the platoon split between both birds. They were going to land if there was room, or fast rope if not. A SEAL platoon was assigned to assault simultaneously from surface/up. US Navy Special Boat Unit rigid hull inflatables (RIB) and their crews were on other side of ship, carrying the SEALs who were to perform the assault. The pilot of helo #1 struck, or became fouled in the netting surrounding the stern of the ship. The A/C immediately became unstable and rolled into the ocean. The A/C sank and #2 waved off. The Force Recon personnel were standing up and preparing to "Fast Rope" on to the deck at the time of the accident. Eleven survivors were immediately pulled from the water, however six Marines and one sailor died in the crash. The helicopter went down about 1:16 p.m. PST (2116 GMT) about 15 miles (24 kms) west-southwest of Point Loma. All Force Recon personnel were from the 5th Platoon and part of the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit based at Camp Pendleton, north of San Diego.

  • Member since
    June 2005
  • From: MCAS Miramar
Posted by SSgtD6152 on Thursday, March 2, 2006 4:08 PM

No, its ok, you can keep it up. hear are the names that I can look up now. it was 7 not 8.








  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, March 2, 2006 4:04 PM
 SSgtD6152 wrote:

That was my Squadron, Rockey 604 Dec. 9 1999. We lost GySgt Page and 6 Recon guys and one Navy Corpsman. I was Dash 2 on that mission, It was a bad day for all of us. I'm working on this bird now, Buno #154790 HMM-166 604. I'm putting my hart in to this one.  I do not know how long it is going to take, but it is going to be right.

I was mislead. I had no idea anyone perished. I'll remove the video. Thanks for the heads up.

  • Member since
    June 2005
  • From: MCAS Miramar
Posted by SSgtD6152 on Thursday, March 2, 2006 3:56 PM

And it is not a HOOK, It's a PHROG.

  • Member since
    June 2005
  • From: MCAS Miramar
Posted by SSgtD6152 on Thursday, March 2, 2006 3:55 PM

That was my Squadron, Rockey 604 Dec. 9 1999. We lost GySgt Page and 6 Recon guys and one Navy Corpsman. I was Dash 2 on that mission, It was a bad day for all of us. I'm working on this bird now, Buno #154790 HMM-166 604. I'm putting my hart in to this one.  I do not know how long it is going to take, but it is going to be right.

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, March 2, 2006 3:37 PM
From what my research on that crash has told me is that the left rear wheel came up short on landing and caught on the deck. The force of the ship being underway and the abrupt stop of the a/c didnt mix to well, kind of a rubber band effect I suppose. I'm sure somebody on this forum might know more about it.

The sea king was a victim of some helo phenomenon where you fall directly back into vortex and there is a sort of dead air? I cannot for the life of me remember the technical term. I'm sure there is a number of fellows here that know of this and its term.

The refuel was caused from the turbulance from the tanker.. the helicopter got tangled up and well... thank god the props are stronger than the refuel probe. Crew made it back on that one as well.

The idiot in the training video.. well.. he just purchased the aircraft and was waiting for his instructor who told him specifically " do not touch anything". He paid no attention figured he would do the pre-flight and start up. You see what happened. From somebody who knows the guy it was relayed that as he was sitting in the cockpit reading what I assume to be his flight plan, the vibration caused some minor control inputs that the inexperianced flyer could not overcome. But he was an experianced fixed wing pilotDunce [D)]
  • Member since
    October 2005
  • From: Cardinal USA
Posted by AirMedical on Thursday, March 2, 2006 3:33 PM
Came in too fast, caught left rear wheel.  I'm afraid crew was lost. 

REV:  11 of 18 were rescued.
-The more I'm around humans, the more I prefer the company of birds and animals -Even though the voices aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas. -Here's your sign!
  • Member since
    October 2005
  • From: Brisbane, Australia
Posted by shaun68 on Thursday, March 2, 2006 3:18 PM
Thanks for the link. Any news on the Hook crew? I mean what the hell happened there? Was there some sort of shear coming back up off the deck, which upset the balance of the a/c or rotors?
  • Member since
    November 2005
helicopter crash videos
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, March 2, 2006 3:12 PM
Some of you may have already seen one or all of these.. but to those who havent.. here you go.

P.s. I paticularly enjoy the guy who tries to fly with no instructor....too much money, not enough brains.

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