Supposedly 3rd platoon at Ben Hoa, 1969. The door art is not what you normally see in Picts.
After 18 months or so, I decided to finish my seminar 1/35 UH-1B with Cobra Co. unarmored seats
and rotor blades from thier UH-1C back date UH-1B set. My original
blades were destroyed by the mold release agent on the rubber ammo
(also destriyed parts of the mini gun as well.
But all was not lost as the scheme I chose to portray didn't show
miniguns. And all I had to do was grab the seven shot FFAR pod from a
revell 1/32 UH-1D and I was good to go. I made all the decals myself
except for the numbers and US Army which came from a Fireball UH-1D
This is a kit I'd like to do again - sat on my shelf for 10 years, then
on the bench for 2. None the less it was a good kit. Too bad they are
not represented in the states. I think I can still get kits from HL
Thanks for looking
3d modelling is an option
a true mental excercise in frusrtation