The recovery wasn't as bad as I had feared, and the ear is healing very nicely. Finially the doc called with the biopsy report and all is well, that ends well. (Of course, I don't joke about getting my "ears lowered" when talking about a haircut any more...)
I've been on the full roller coaster ride during the past 6+ weeks it has taken to go start to finish with this thing. Sometimes I was up and things were ok then in a flash my morale would tank, and I'd go into the depths of depresion. Sometimes I'd sit and just cry, afraid, lost, unsure, you know, what if ... Even my unabashed love for modeling suffered. (Normaly, I'm always turning ideas and projects over in my head, as only a model maker does. That literally fell out of my life and is just now bubbling back up to the surface again.)
Then one day I mentioned it to a friend at work he said Oh, you talk to to So and So they both had the samething. (You could have knocked me over with a feather.) Then at our season opener (my other hobby is Civil War reenacting) I mentioned it again, and a bunch of people told me about friends and relitives, et al, who had the samething. Slowly, I found out I wasn't alone. (Still scared, but not as badly.)
So hang in there and be of good cheer, you've got a lot of friends on these boards who are pulling for you... In fact I'd say they are a cut above the usual folks! (Sorry, a little surgical humor... I can't resist a straight line either.. I'm hopeless.)
So, like I said, hang in there, we're not alone...our situtatuion is pretty normal after all (even for model builders.) Oh, and thanks for your kind thoughts!
Best Regards,
Able Audacious Army Aviation Above All!