The “Official” name for the paint used on Army Helos is “Aircraft Green”. The GSA FS color number is 34031 To see what it looks like online go here:
Mapping of the GSA FSN
It’s a mixture of green and black, and will only closely match the FS number freshly painted. It tends to fade to different colors and will vary from forest green to a black. It is also very “rough” and scuffs easily. Camera film has a problem duplicating it as the IR qualities drive film and some digitals nuts.
The object of the paint it to reduce/break up the IR signature of the aircraft and it does a good job of it.
You will go nuts trying to match, so try for a ballpark mix.
The cockpit interior is usually painted “Aircraft Interior Black” on tactical aircraft that have NVG capability, 4/1 mix of flat black to flat white gets it nicely - the entire cockpit is this color. The cabin area is DGG, Dark Gull Gray FS 36231. Prior to the NVG mod Army Helo cockpits were DGG.
Enjoy your flights in the Lawn Dart! :~)