No need to sit in the corner. You keep on playing with us kids...everything's gonna be O.K. It's actually not a bad idea (S-92s). I just don't see the powers that be in the USAF springing for TWO brand new airframe (helo) types.
I know what ya mean brutha. The AK ARNG were really taking the lead in developing TTPs for US Army CSAR. Hell, they even purchased and installed hoists and FLIR on 6 (I think) of their UH-60Ls and called 'em Rescue Hawks. Then NGB and the Army had a S$#@ fit and said "your a Scout BN support asset...cease and disist with the CSAR BS". Really sad when ya think about it.
My unit in Alaska is considered the premier CSAR squadron in the USAF simply because of the environment we work in. On any given day we could be called on to perorm a SAR mission dealing with extreme high altitudes (already broke the record twice), Glacial terrain, extreme terrain (Mt McKinley, Foraker, St Elias, Etc..), Arctic ocean extreme cold water, LOTS of dark in the winter, and REALLY bad weather. We've had Coastie guys come over and made out O.K. (FEs and pilots), and we have had a few Army folks (FE and pilots) work out. We would NEVER turn someone down before we ever got the chance to give them a try just based on what branch they came from. But then we're always lookin for folks as well. We're a strange Guard unti in that we're predominantly full time (AGR) as opposed to predominantly part time (traditional) like most other guard units. This stems mainly because of the qualification requirements for our area/unit/environement and that we have a mandated 24 hour SAR alert mission.
Anyway, I will say that at least (for the most part) USAF Rescue Squadron SOPs are standardized, at least much more than what I've experienced (and heard of) in most Army Aviation units. As for the Reserve guys down in Patrick...Damn, I wish you would have told me about this a few years back. I used to know the DO down there really well. He's since gone on to other things. He was also the project officer for their support to "Armageddon" and even had a cameo in the movie.
Keep up the faith bro and remember....we're NCOs...we're the ones who change, work around, adapt, and make S$#@ happen even when the higher ups make it harder and harder. No offense to any ring knockers out there.