If you don't want to buy a bottle of champaign just for the foil, might I suggest this method?
First, I locate a picture on Google Images of the uniform jacket/shirt/trousers I want, like this one:
I get it sized as close to one inch in height (for 1/35th scale) as I can then send it to the printer. After it's printed, I carefully cut it out (the jacket in this case) and then comes the fun part. Rolling it up into a tight ball, then un-rolling it, then re-rolling it, over and over until it's as soft as it's gonna get. Then unroll it (leave the wrinkles if you want), and drape it/hang/drop it wherever you want. If you're really good, you can print the pattern on the backside as well, but I never bother with that. I use the same method to make zeltbahns and camoflage GI ponchos as well..