Gotcha.. You ain't doing figures are ya.. Just FYI,TLASBAPP is the order things get done in a gun section, Irish... The acronymn means:
T= Trails get opened & locked, (or on an SP, the Spades get dropped.)
L=Lay the gun from the Aiming Circle
A=Aiming Point is emplaced, e.i., the collimator (if ya have one), aiming posts, and DAP (Distant Aiming Point)
S=Site to Crest which is the angle measured by the gunner (in mils) to the top of the highest obstruction in front of the gun.
B=Boresight the gun.
A= Azimuth - Primary Direction of Fire, in mils.
P=Pre-fire checks
P= Position Improvement (foxholes, machine gun position, camoflage, ammo offloads, etc..)
The shovel thing is a good idea... Once we got laid, we marked the ground with a shovel around the spades, then moved the trail in a bit, dug the spade-pit, and then dropped the spade into the pit and back-filled... On the other hand, if the ground was frozen solid (a distinct probability with a German piece if you go Ostfront), we dead-manned the trails with stakes and railroad ties...
We could also fire the spades into the ground if we HAD to... Ya have a couple gunbunnies standing on each trail at the spades, holding onto the donkeydicks fer dear life, and fire a charge 7, hoping the recoil digs 'em in... Emergency Missions ONLY, ya un'erstand..