Thanks for the help, guys!
Stik - Good point. I had a bit of a color issue there myself. At some point in the war, I think you start to see a lot of lighter colors in the straps and webbing, and I was trying to depict this. I think I overdid it with the light colors in the boot blousings and some of the straps etc on the breadbags, etc. I might re-do that. All OK, Jumpmaster...(any excuse to say that, these days :))
Hans - I like the idea of these frames. Like it alot. I was thinking of something with some more depth to it, didn't know where to find it. You said these are made of clear plastic? Don't know if I've ever seen them before. And thanks for the pic, I can definitely use that. Looks like a Russian Dark Green might be in order...
Maffen -
Bronto - Yeah, the title is kinda an in-progress thing. I tend to work in series (serieses?), and this one is part of a group of builds I'm doing depicting SS and Heer recon elements in different settings. I think I'm gonna end up calling it something like "That Way!", set in France, 1944.