Wow, that's really a great piece of work (The tracks are a little too clean for my tastes, rusty connectors, but clean pads y'know... But that's just me. I'd hit 'em with some pastels..)... Two little, minor details, hardly worth mentioning (but I will anyway), are the guns, both the 105 and the .50... Between fire missions, the gun would laid back onto 300 mils elevation, Your gun's angle is a bit high... The reason's to make it easier for the Number 1 to load (the higher the breech, the easier to ram) and to put the tube on an elevation that's close to a probable QE (Quadrant Elevation) for the next mission...
Regarding the Mother Duece, it needs an ammo can and a belt... The gun needs to be ready to fire, since it's an air-defense weapon... Also, I think it'd be better if it was moved either forward or to the far right side of the ring and away from the gun. But don't get hung up, only another old Redleg like me would notice that... Since you probably got the pintle mount glued though, I'd just make a note for future reference and leave it where it is...
Overall, it's a perfect portrayal of a momentary peace amidst the fighting, pard... Having myself attended MANY gun-side services, in both combat zones and FTXs, "The Priest and the Padre" really looks "right"...
Give yourself 1,000 Hammer-points...
EDIT: BTW, since seeing your Chaplain, you inspired my next next Mauldin-build... This's what I got in mind for MY Chaplain figure...
"...forever, Amen. Hit th' dirt."
'Course, I'll be replacing the Bofors in the background with a howitzer or perhaps an M16 quad 50...