- Member since
January 2006
- From: NW Washington
Kudos to Walgreens-no, not a prescription for modelitis
Posted by dirkpitt77
on Tuesday, December 15, 2009 6:25 PM
I had ordered some posters made up off a couple photographs I had taken, to use as a backdrop for a dio I'm working on. Well, when I ordered them off the Walgreens Photo website, I failed to specify whether they were to be landscape format, or portrait, and so I ordered the wrong ones. Too wide, not tall enough. So I called 'em up tonight, and even though it was my mistake, they are refunding the entire cost of the posters to my card. So, just an excited post to say great customer service can be found in the weirdest of places.
"Some say the alien didn't die in the crash. It survived and drank whiskey and played poker with the locals 'til the Texas Rangers caught wind of it and shot it dead."