Thats it. Mix it with a little water at a time and get it to the consistency of moist cookie dough. If you add some white glue to it as you are mixing it up it will help with adhesion to your base. Spread it thin and you can "float it" like cement. That is as you smooth it, excess water will come to the surface making it look wet. This will help you form it and feather it around. Don't pile it on thick or it will take forever to dry and may curl on you. Build up your contours underneath and then spread the celuclay. Add your ground detrious (rocks, sticks etc. ) and do your final forming and smoothing. Just before it dries, place your vehicle or figures on it so that they look like they have some weight or are on the ground and not floating.
I mix a little plaster in with mine and it makes for a little faster drying time and for some neat ground effects. Once dry, paint and or add your static grass, snow, resin etc.
Good luck.
"Imagination is the dye that colors our lives"
Marcus Aurellius
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"