As my latest build , (the OT-26 ) is nearing completion, I just want to share my technique of making flames for diorama's
I haven't hear or even seen good looking fire in a dio, usually it is hidden by thick black smoke, but for this build, I wanted to see the flames.
I purchase this kit because it was cheap, and I've never seen an OT-26 because, or even heard about it. and while it may be a bad quality kit, its certainly easy so assemble. And I knew a blazing diorama, would make it stand out, so I had this idea from the start.
After assembling the turret, I drilled a small hole where the nozzle was and fitted a copper wire, after painting the turret, it was time to starts the ''body'' of the flames, I thought that making the correct characteristic of the flames difficult, but it is like water, so woodland scenic water effect glue (a sort of latex plastic that turns transparent when dry) is perfect.
Once dry, painting can begin. Base coat is yellow, follow by dry brush red and orange. Not the best loking flames, but it turn out better than expected.
And thats basicly it, if there are anyother technique, please feel free to share them, I might use then in a futur build.
Thanks all.
Working on: Trumpeter SU-152 (1/35) Trumpeter E-10 (1/35) Heller Somua (1/35)
"The world is your enemy, prince of a thousand enemy. And when they'll find you, they will kill you... but they will have to catch you first ''