looks pretty good so far. i am using celluclay on my dio too (also my first) and it worked pretty well....i put mine on a tad too thick though so it took about a week and a half to dry. the only suggestion i would have is make some shallow ditches on the sides of the road (bearing in mind that german tanks, especially the tiger and king tiger, took up about 3/4 of the road) to make it look more like a road than a field. my very first dio base i made i used sand mixed with white glue and some water and i kinda botched that: i tried to make a road with ditches but it looked more like an eleveted dike in Holland instead of a road in russia.
the pic below is the second attempt: i used celluclay, a craft store winter tree, and woodland scenics grass and snow. i painted the mud with brown enamel (enamel wont re-soften celluclay like acrylics will and it also covers the grey color alot better in enamel)
regards, Logan
1/35 XM77 "Sledgehammer", 1964 Chevy Impala Derby Car
Whats next? Aircraft for Ground Attack Group Build
"I dont just tackle to make a play, I tackle to break your will." -Ray Lewis
"In the end, we're all just chalk lines on the concrete, drawn only to be washed away"- 5 Finger Death Punch
"Ahh, my old enemy.......STAIRS"- Po, Kung Fu Panda