The splashes are actually pretty easy. Take a small section of saran wrap, say 6"x6". Then take your hand and circle your index finger and thumb to form a circle; lay the plastic wrap over the hole. Now, poke the saran wrap down into the hole. From below grab the saran wrap and twist it some - this ends up forming a funnel.
Fill this with 20-minute epoxy. Give it about six to eight minutes to dry then pour the excess epoxy out of the funnel. Give it another ten minutes to setup hard and then peel the saran wrap off the funnel.
I usually like to color the epoxy a dark blue/black color and then paint on accents in light blue and white. You can use a dremel (or similar) to cut off the point of the funnel and clean up any major imperfections - but remember that a splash wont be nice and clean with rounded edges, so keep it rough.