Chris, and
Chris: You'd really be amazed at how simple it is to create an illusion of movement, using just an airbrush and masking tape. I'm working on an illustration of the procedure, which is basic, to say the least, but produces breathtaking results.
Dan: When practicing (or doing) a "Short Field" take-off in a Skyhawk, once in take-off position, you'd roll the Trim Tab to slightly nose high, drop 20 degree's flaps and set the parking brake. Call departure. Go to full power while holding the foot brakes, then heels on the floor as you release the parking brake and hold full back on the Yoke (...right rudder as needed for torque correction).... the nose wheel comes off fairly quick (ease back pressure on the Yoke to keep from dragging the tail). Around 45 - 50 kts you get airborne, ease the back pressure a little more and establish the best rate of climb..... after passing through 500ft, roll the Trim down a bit, retract the flaps to 10 degree's, and continue gaining airspeed and altitude... then Flap's Up!
Thanks again guys,