Thanks very much,yeah,lol,that radio operator does seem to get around!
I have used a few round bases from time to time,when you do a display for folks it looks
nice to have not only different vehicles but different bases too,breaks up the monotony.
If you notice all of my bases are made from store bought shelving,tables,coffee tables,
anything I can get my hands on that is finished. So when I do my ground cover which is just straight sands,graval,grasses etc.,dry spooned onto the base the whiteglue/water mix does not seap into the pressboard and I end up with a warped mess.The laminated finish prevents this from happening.
I hate when I have to resort to painting on the swastika on the recognition flag,would much rather locate aircraft swastika decals for that job,not the greatest painter of straight edges,lol.
I figured that would be true about the schurzen as I haven`t seen any reference to back that idea up but I didn`t want to waste em,figured they was just fresh over,lol!
"Battleing Bastards of Bastogne"