The detail and quality of craftsmanship is superb. I can go decent work when I put my mind to it, but I don't think that I could even begin to duplicate something like that.
Aside from it's technical merits though, the whole setting seems to be lacking some consistency in the level of damage.
I can understand a Panther backing up into a nook of a blown out Church, possibly to setup a potential ambush. Once there, it gets hit, and explodes with enough force to blow its turret off, which I can understand as well, (I haven't examined the photo close enough to see if there was or was not a penetrating hole that could have lit off the ammo, so I'll assume there was).
What seems inconsistent to me is the lack of damage to the church after an explosion that was able to lift off and invert a several ton turret, not to mention damage that should have been caused by the several ton turret bouncing around inside the Church after being blown off the hull. Yes the Chruch itself is mosly blown away, but the wall and painting more or less touching the right side of the tank are hardly damaged, and the stained glass window behind it is mostly intact as well. I think I would also expected some fire as well, but there is a decided lack of scorching.
Maybe the scene is a true to life setting and there exists a matching photo somewhere, but lacking that, I don't buy it.
The thing that strikes me as a perhaps a bit off, is that the church seems to be in too good of condition. Apparently