I like your dios. Both this one and the Russian winter. Nice movement and dynamic, they are a good "snapshot".
I give you credit, personaly I think doing damaged or burned out vehicles can be harder than in service working vehicles. Not only do you have to buld the model, but now you have to "break it" and do so in a way that looks convincing. You do this with your vehicles. I especialy like it when there is some major damage, it gives you an opportunity to do some interior detailing.
I concurr with Robert (shermanfreak) on his critique.
I will preface mine with ,it may be the photo, and if it is please disregard.
The figures are a bit shiny. They also appear flat. (Dimensionaly, not paint finish) A dark wash and some highlights will make their uniforms stand out a bit more and give them some more depth. Remember they are exposed as well and suffer from the same dust, mud, etc. the tanks do. Dust up their boots a bit. Give 'em some weathering. Also you might want to think about drilling a small hole and insert a wire in the foot. This can be inserted into a hole you drill in the base and you won't have to use the putty to attach the figs to the base. Avoiding the "oh my Fritz..what have I stepped in?"
When doing dioramas, spend as much time finishing the figs as you do the vehicles. They make an important aspect of the scene and are an equal focus of the viewer if not more so.
The background photos really add to the overall and give it a place and help set the mood. Nice touch.
Love your groundwork. What do you do for ground?
As always, do what makes you happy and what you feel comfortable with. Take any criticism with a grain of salt (also good for weathering effects), retain what is useful and discard whatever you think is unnecessary.
I see a talent to keep an eye on. They look good, keep em comming! I can't wait to see the hedgrow and the river dios.
"Imagination is the dye that colors our lives"
Marcus Aurellius
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"