Hi guys,yep I`m having a blast!! I was in a slump for a time there but these past few months the ideas are coming hot and heavy. These past five dios have been built over a 3 month period and alot of the previous stuff has been around for five or six yrs,so it may seem like I`m pumping them out but in fact for me I am taking my time,so happens
that my next dio is a Tiger II ,a colaberation of sorts,a friend built it and didn`t like the finish so I`ve redone a few things gave it a wash and built a tree.Just waiting for it to dry
then drybrush it,add some mud,put the groundcover on the base,mount the tank and look for figures,it`s gonna be fun!
Both ACs are fairly easy builds,go together very well. I would imagine the rerelease of these kits would be the same in the buildup although I haven`t had the pleasure as yet.
"Battleing Bastards of Bastogne"