Hey cmotz,
In the near future I want to do a dessert dio w/ a 109 so I started to plan ahead and this what I found.
I actually used "play sand" fine grade and it looks darn good.
The one thing you have to do is wash the sand w/ soapy water and then let it air dry followed by putting a heat source to it
(hair dryer or portable heater). This basically disinfects the sand
I used a mixture of Elmers white glue and water(mixture of water and sand is up to you). I applied the mix in stages followed by the sand(depending how big your dio will be. If its on a small scale (8x10) you could apply the mix all at once).
I used an old pepper shaker to apply the sand. Funny as it may sound it works well.
Flaps up,Mike
If you would listen to everybody about the inaccuracies, most of the kits on your shelf would not have been built Too Close For Guns, Switching To Finger