general assembly and paint l ook okay. The figures are well posed and create a good focal point to the dio. Their poses, however, are kind of relaxed for the implicatio of the title, an enemy fighter plane bearing downon them. .
Two things haven't been mentioned.
You have silvering in the cross (more noteable) and in the "402".
Second, the panzerfausts. I don't think I'd want to place real ones like that. All the weight is at the top, the slightest bump will cause them to fall over. I don't know how stabel those things were, but I certainly wouldn't want to fiind out the hard way!
You've done a good job of painting the base, but I'm not getting the lay of the cobble stones. In the foreground, there's a quick little incline, almost like a wheelchair ramp but then there's this fall off that looks like an earthquake just shifted the whole road.