It was common in WWII for US and British AC to land in each other's fields when an 'emergency' came up, such as running out of fuel. The build looks very nice, however, everything is too clean and green. The trees look good, but will look better with different shades. Spray them with diluted white glue, then sprinkle different turf grass foam shades, and static grass. Same for the ground, add some dirt and different shades and texture of turf so it doesn't look manicured. You can add some small packing foam crumps around the tree line to create un-evenness in the terrain, paint in earth tones, then coat with diluted white glue and sprinkle different colors of turf grass. I like the backdrop you did, it gives depth to the theme
I would also weather the veicles and the Spit a bit. Hope this helps out.