Thanks Tigerman for the comments...
The snow is white sanded tile grout, available from any home reno centre or tile supply store...although the bucket said "snow white", it was anything but...
It was actually a light grey..frustrated, I just continued to lay it down and decided when it cured I would paint the whole base with a couple coats of thinned white craft paint. As for the KV, I really didn't put too much into it, as I knew I was going to bury the thing in snow. To get the snow on the figures, I simply misted the lower part of the coats with water, and took a knife and put a small amount of grout on the blade dry, and blew the grout onto the coats and plunked the figure into the grout.I keep a spare set of unassembled egs from a figure around to create the footprints for my groundwork.
"There you go with those negative waves again!"