St. Maire Eglise
Need some help. A friend in the Airborne has asked me to make a dio of the action at St. Maire Eglise. I have done some dioramas but this seems potentially complex to me. So, some questions: ( All are aimed at 1/35 but I welcome suggestions down to 1/76 )
1. Has anybody here done one on this subject ?
2. Pics available somewhere ?
3. What is the definitive picture source , if any ?
4. What buildings ( really interested in the Church here ) are commercially available ?
5. What figures does anybody recommend ?
6. It seems to be an all infantry show but any vehicular action ?
I have modelled , off and on, for 35 years, mostly Armor.
I can paint figs and am relearning Aircraft. ( This has been quite the love/hate relationship. )
Ex- Army, Southern, Married w/ Children, work in the Defence Ind., fat, got lots of kits, etc.
Any help will be appreciated. Any. And if this is crazy, tell me so.
Thank you,
Robert Osborne