Guess I forgot to mention this earlier, both ARVs are scratchbuilt,not conversion kits,much cheaper that way! I`ve got a sweet tooth for recovery vehicles,done the Grant arv,the m31 trv,Bergtiger,Bergpanther,Bergelefant and the Bergpanzer IV. I have planned for sometime this year to scratch a Scammal and perhaps a CMP breakdown.All of these recovery vehicles were converted by scratchbuilding.I don`t have pics of my Bergtiger and Bergelefant,these were built before the advent of the digitol camera and have long since moved on to a new home in another local museum.
Yes the bridge is scratched as well,used lots of balsa in that baby,and pink insulation foam!
Oops,sorry lads forgot a couple,the Cromwell arv and a Churchill arv.Whew,did so many this old mind can`t even remember them all!
"Battleing Bastards of Bastogne"