Many thanks for your kind comments and compliments! I really appreciate them!
m1garand, Art Instructor used fine salt to simulate snow.
smokingguns3, good question! I didn't notice that thing in the ditch when I took picture
but I noticed after scanning and thought I'd look into it but forgot too. Your question
reminded me to take a look this evening and I found a poor baby home lizard about
one inch long lying dead there. Its body has shrinken and its color turned pale, with
a tiniest ant about 1 mm long sniffing around - and that's in my show room where usually no food is found. Amazing nature I would say! The poor baby lizard whose origin is Art Instructor's house probably got lost in the wintergarten and frozen to death. It has aroused curiosity both local and foreign, lending itself fully to this diorama. May it rest in peace!