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  • Member since
    August 2020
  • From: Apex, NC
Posted by gomeral on Friday, July 28, 2023 1:28 PM

Hi, sdprest - 19 year old thread!  Not sure if you'll get a reply from any of the original posters, but if you can't find decals, consider making your own.  There are multiple threads on the forums that discuss that, including this one:

Hope this helps!

  • Member since
    July 2023
Posted by sdprest on Friday, July 21, 2023 11:22 AM


I would love to purchase 1/32 and 1/48 Philippine Air Force decals. How do I get them?


  • Member since
    July 2023
Posted by sdprest on Friday, July 21, 2023 11:17 AM

I would love to obtain 1/32 and 1/48 Philippine Air Force decals. How to I get them?



  • Member since
    December 2003
Posted by jepot on Wednesday, January 7, 2004 4:19 PM
Another new modification of the MG520 was the adding of a triangular white housing at the starboard side of the rear window which was a cover for litter patients; its not seen in many models; but the one i saw was also interestingly painted with a shark mouth motif so that a nice helo to model- but then, its only plausible in 1/35th scale, the DML kit; BTW, another modification is the frame of the bubble- you have to sand off a n area in the lower front of the bubble to make your model look like the MG520- did it but took me so long just to ensure to limit the damage; and put future floor wax to make the buffed area shine again- awa ng Diyos, the kit is back in the box, awaiting for me to have an interest in building it, with finality
  • Member since
    June 2003
  • From: Cavite, Philippines
Posted by allan on Wednesday, January 7, 2004 10:00 AM


1. Externally, the 520 has a more pointed canopy bubble/nose. Problem is, only DML came out with that. The PAF 520s have some modifications peculiar to us. I'll ask my colleagues to bring their photos and explain when youre free.

2. Yes, finish your thesis first. Remember, the country needs you. (Did I just put added pressure on you?). But we do hope to see you again soon.

3. Yes, it was the group that held that exhibit. I became a member right after that exhibit, unfortunately, so I could only recount the photos and the tales.

4. The Antonov appears to be based there. In the several times Ive been to Cebu it was always there. Its usually parked behind the PAL and Air Philippines jets. So when you taxi theres that slim chance your plane will roll near enough to see it. Am not sure, but it looks kinda smaller than the Herc.

Ooops. Gotta go now. Its 12:10 am an Ive got an injunction hearing in the morning. See you around!

No bucks, no Buck Rogers

  • Member since
    November 2003
  • From: Manila, Philippines
Posted by shrikes on Wednesday, January 7, 2004 9:47 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by allan

Counter clockwise from top left: 1. PN Islander/Defender; 1. PAF Huey; 3. PAF SF-260 Warrior (Turbo) or Layang I conversion; 4. PAF MG-520; and 5. Shrikes' cool B-17.

How is the MD-500 different from the MG-520? Civilian and military versions, perhaps? Also, i really think that the Islander/defender is the most interesting subject to model...
First off, congratulations on your third star!

While we're in the mutual adoration society Tongue [:P], i notice that you've just hit the 3rd star as well, so congratulations too!
As for IPMS-Bert Anido, theres no such thing as "gate-crashing." We welcome any modeler who comes along and wants to participate in the meetings/contests. Membership fee is just P250/year. We have internal contests at least 4 times a year, and theres even a credit facility cooperative where we could source the model you like and you pay in terms (usually 3 month terms) interest free. For cash purchases, some members can even source the kit for you at 10% discount, subject to local availability. Hope we see you soon.

I might just give it a go! maybe i'll get around to it once my thesis is done! By the way, did you guys ever do an exhibit in the early 90's at the ayala museum? I made my mom bring me there once and saw two things that rocked my little modeling world: This really well made F-4 (G model wild weasel, i think it was), and a pair of Browning .50 Cal. machine guns scratch built from wire/alambre! whoa.
On a different note, did you get to see that Antonov parked in Cebu?

I thought i saw an Antonov! As we were taxiing and i thought i saw a 4 engined airliner with a greenhouse style nose... i thought i was seeing things. i might have got it on video. What's it doing there Question [?]!Question [?]
Blackadder: This plan's as cunning as a fox that used to be Professor of cunning at Oxford University but has now moved on and is working with the U.N at the high commission of cunning planning
  • Member since
    June 2003
  • From: Cavite, Philippines
Posted by allan on Wednesday, January 7, 2004 8:40 AM

Counter clockwise from top left: 1. PN Islander/Defender; 1. PAF Huey; 3. PAF SF-260 Warrior (Turbo) or Layang I conversion; 4. PAF MG-520; and 5. Shrikes' cool B-17.

First off, congratulations on your third star!

I feel sorry about them Hercs too. Theyre just sitting there!

As for IPMS-Bert Anido, theres no such thing as "gate-crashing." We welcome any modeler who comes along and wants to participate in the meetings/contests. Membership fee is just P250/year. We have internal contests at least 4 times a year, and theres even a credit facility cooperative where we could source the model you like and you pay in terms (usually 3 month terms) interest free. For cash purchases, some members can even source the kit for you at 10% discount, subject to local availability. Hope we see you soon.


I was already in law school then. Bert gave me a lot of advise about life in general. Even offered me a job right after I passed the Bar. And yes, I miss the guy, too.

On a different note, did you get to see that Antonov parked in Cebu?

No bucks, no Buck Rogers

  • Member since
    November 2003
  • From: Manila, Philippines
Posted by shrikes on Wednesday, January 7, 2004 8:21 AM
That would be very cool to get a rare model kit as a gift!
Now the kicker question: (appologies in advance if i offend someone! Smile [:)]) How much does it cost to be a member? I'm not working yet so, i don't really have much in the way of finances...
Oh, and these are the aircraft i saw on the ramp at Mactan:

Just thought i'd share. Big Smile [:D]
Blackadder: This plan's as cunning as a fox that used to be Professor of cunning at Oxford University but has now moved on and is working with the U.N at the high commission of cunning planning
  • Member since
    December 2003
Posted by jepot on Tuesday, January 6, 2004 4:59 PM
Shrikes, i also got my 3 BNIs from Bert ( well the last one was from Abet Anido na his his): maraming advantages nga pag IPMS ka; back in the 70s when i started modelling, i felt alone, i thought that it was only me and my friend Homer who were into the hobby until i met the IPMS guys back in the early 90s when i was still a med student; allan i think was still in prelaw then, right allan? so being ipms or a member of a hobby club exposses you to other members who may wish to share knowledge, info, skill or in berts case, even kits; too bad berts gone...
kinuha mo rin palang ninong si bert ha allan? sabagay who didnt when he was still alive, and he was more than happy to be a sponsor in our weddings back then.
The aircraft you saw shrikes might be the GAF Nomad on the ramp at MAB; Bert gave me a resin kit of that from Australia- very rare! even the box was cool ( not the boxart though); the only F86 i know of are at Basa, and VAB- i dont think there is one at the MAB ramp.
  • Member since
    November 2003
  • From: Manila, Philippines
Posted by shrikes on Tuesday, January 6, 2004 10:07 AM
Wow... you're ninong is the guy that started the IPMS here? no wonder you have that kit! i know how you feel about owning two! i'd probably be the same way if i owned one kit too!

I feel really sorry for all those rotting C-130s... they're good dependable aircraft! I hear that they are the only ones that can drop a daisy cutter and a M.O.A.B. (Mother Of All Bombs, i think it stands for... [;p]) I saw some other planes on static display... an albatross, i think it was, an F-86F (couldn't get down from the car and snap a few pics, though... ), and something else i couldn't quite see past the trees...

Sorry if i've been full of questions today, but i have another one!! What are the perks of being an IPMS member aside from being able to go to these meetings without gatecrashing? Big Smile [:D] Thanks in advance, allan!
Blackadder: This plan's as cunning as a fox that used to be Professor of cunning at Oxford University but has now moved on and is working with the U.N at the high commission of cunning planning
  • Member since
    June 2003
  • From: Cavite, Philippines
Posted by allan on Tuesday, January 6, 2004 7:21 AM

I got it from my late godfather --- Bert Anido. Its quite a rare kit nowadays. Im looking for another one so I could build the one I have and keep the other. LOL. Even the empty boxes are selling (the Airfix Defender/Islander kit has the Philippine Navy example as the box art!).

Been to Mactan a couple of times and saw all the planes you mentioned. Every now and then thered be an N22 Nomad and a Sikorsky S-76 chopper. But all those grounded C-130s...! Sigh.

Zambo is a little better. There are about 5-6 OV-10s at any given time, plus about 2-3 MG-520 Defenders. Theres also an oxidized C-123 on static display somewhere that you could see from the plane before it lands.

No bucks, no Buck Rogers

  • Member since
    November 2003
  • From: Manila, Philippines
Posted by shrikes on Tuesday, January 6, 2004 12:13 AM
Once again, i'd like to say that i'm kind of disappointed in the PAF for not giving us modelers enough subjects to work with... I went on holiday after new year's day to Cebu. We landed in Mactan and used the PAF ramp to disembark... There were quite a number of junked/cannibalized C-130s there as well as a few MD-500s, Hueys, Islanders, and some plane i didn't immediately recognize....

I understand that we buy the parts for the islander and assemble it ourselves (the ultimate model kit!)... Who makes the real thing and does anyone make a model of an Islander? Just a little curious. Smile [:)]

DOH! Dunce [D)] do i feel silly... i just had to scroll down a bit in the aircraft forum for the answer to my question... Allan, where did you find yours? I think i'd like to build a kit of this too!
Blackadder: This plan's as cunning as a fox that used to be Professor of cunning at Oxford University but has now moved on and is working with the U.N at the high commission of cunning planning
  • Member since
    December 2003
Posted by jepot on Monday, January 5, 2004 4:21 PM
Uy another pinoy! welcome aboard!ayan, alln might be proximal to your location, so you can physically correspond with him, lalo na if you are into PAF stuff
  • Member since
    June 2003
  • From: Cavite, Philippines
Posted by allan on Monday, January 5, 2004 7:53 AM

Saw you post in the helo forum. Im near Holy Trinity Parish in Balic Balic. Where in Sampaloc are you?

No bucks, no Buck Rogers

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, January 5, 2004 6:01 AM
me too im a pinoy from manila Smile [:)]
  • Member since
    December 2003
Posted by jepot on Monday, January 5, 2004 1:09 AM
The PBY 5A night version of academy is the right one and it is colored midnight blue NOT black, as the mistake i made when i painted mine; i think there is basically minor differences like the football radar (?), the antennae, so its a rather easy conversion, me thinks..'
Hi Gregers! indeed you are right; the P26 kit of Hasegawa in 1/32 scale has rather incorrect PAAC markings and paint scheme but that was the only game in town then; the BN Islander of Airfix has the old 2 tone grey PN scheme; the S211 by Planet models has modern PAF markings too, but its in resin the P26 in 1/48 scale by Hobby craft has CORRECT PAAC markings and spares for another 1/48 scale kit ( hmmm, the Stearman of Lindberg? thats a good kit to put the extra decals!).
As for PAF decals commercially available, pls check out for a list of such...
  • Member since
    February 2003
  • From: UK
Posted by gregers on Sunday, January 4, 2004 8:11 PM
Hi Shrikes, there were two other aircraft modelled with PAF decals that i know of. they were the airfix BN defender (1/72) and the hasegawa P36 peashooter(1/32). hope this info is of use. Greg
Why torture yourself when life will do it for you?
  • Member since
    November 2003
  • From: Manila, Philippines
Posted by shrikes on Sunday, January 4, 2004 6:24 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by jepot
Shrikes, why dont you make the PBY(5A i hope) into a PAF kit? dark blue with the PAF insignia...check out Bert book for a shot of the PBy we used back in the 50's; we found that pic at the national Museum years ago...Smile [:)]

Nope, she's a PBY-5, so it's not the true amphibious version. i dunno if the PAF or the Phil Navy used them, but i painted her in bluegray over lightgray camo scheme. did we use the same one and did we use PBA-5s?
Blackadder: This plan's as cunning as a fox that used to be Professor of cunning at Oxford University but has now moved on and is working with the U.N at the high commission of cunning planning
  • Member since
    December 2003
Posted by jepot on Sunday, January 4, 2004 4:54 PM
o asan na yung mga inoffer mo na PAF decals sa 1st thread? why are you looking for me?Sign - Dots [#dots] Shrikes, why dont you make the PBY(5A i hope) into a PAF kit? dark blue with the PAF insignia...check out Bert book for a shot of the PBy we used back in the 50's; we found that pic at the national Museum years ago...Smile [:)]
  • Member since
    June 2003
  • From: Cavite, Philippines
Posted by allan on Monday, December 29, 2003 7:44 AM
Hey there, Shrikes.

No worries, my friend. Was nice to finally meet you too. Thank you for coming and please feel free to come anytime. Everyone's welcome. I'll inform you of the next contest. The topic will be British-designed subjects. I hope you could come more often.

Yes, that A-37 you saw took first place in the 1/72 Out-of-the-Box. In the next few days photos of it will be posted on the site. Please check it out

Cant wait to see pics of your finished F-86. Goodluck! Smile [:)]

No bucks, no Buck Rogers

  • Member since
    November 2003
  • From: Manila, Philippines
Posted by shrikes on Sunday, December 28, 2003 10:07 AM
Hey, allan! It was good to finally meet you! (for everyone else, i gate crashed the IPMS meeting earlier today) I'm sorry for not saying goodbye properly, but my sister was going bonkers in the car! I told my friend (redknight38) about what i saw and we're both interested in crashing your next contest to see the great entries (if that's okay)! Tongue [:P]

How did the contest turn out? I really hope that dragonfly wins for it's category (it was just done so well)...

Oh, and Tony gave me those F-86 PAF decals and they're fantastic! a bit more work, but worth it, i suspect! I've now bumped up the F-86 on my list and i'm hurridly trying to get the PBY off my table as quick as possible! Big Smile [:D]
Blackadder: This plan's as cunning as a fox that used to be Professor of cunning at Oxford University but has now moved on and is working with the U.N at the high commission of cunning planning
  • Member since
    June 2003
  • From: Cavite, Philippines
Posted by allan on Sunday, December 28, 2003 8:44 AM
You mean Jepot? Wazzup?

Happy New Year to you too!

No bucks, no Buck Rogers

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, December 28, 2003 12:59 AM
anybody here heard of THE Captain Jeff Pizarro?

a warm jetblast NEW YEAR to all! Yeah!! [yeah]
  • Member since
    June 2003
  • From: Cavite, Philippines
Posted by allan on Wednesday, December 10, 2003 8:41 AM
Hey there, Butch.

Theres a hobby shop known as Hobbies and Comics in the mezzanine of Makati Cinema Square. Great stuff you'll find there. Aftermarket available too.

Theres Accurate Models in SM South Mall on the ground floor at the rear entrance.

There is a shop known as "Natalie's" in Rustans Cubao.

And then there is STC, with branches in Ali Mall, Isetann Recto, Tetuan, Festival Mall Alabang, and Virra Mall Greenhills.

No bucks, no Buck Rogers

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, December 10, 2003 8:33 AM
Can anybody out there give a list of hobbyshops aside from Lil's and JMN .

  • Member since
    November 2003
  • From: Manila, Philippines
Posted by shrikes on Tuesday, December 9, 2003 9:30 AM
Feeling ko nga naguunahan pa tayo sa model! Smile [:)] Saan ba kayo bumibili ng models? Ako sa Special Toys (parang may down syndrome ang mga laruan...) Virramall, Lils Megamall, Lils Park Square 1, at ngayon sa JMN harrison plaza. Naaalala ninyo ba ang hobby shop sa may groundfloor ng goldcrest sa makati bago siya sinali sa glorietta 1? Anong pangalan 'nun uli?
Blackadder: This plan's as cunning as a fox that used to be Professor of cunning at Oxford University but has now moved on and is working with the U.N at the high commission of cunning planning
  • Member since
    June 2003
  • From: Cavite, Philippines
Posted by allan on Tuesday, December 9, 2003 9:08 AM
Lils, JMN, Hobbies and Comics, EG's Hobby Shop, Accurate, Special Toys Center (Winstons). Baka mamya nagkikita kita tayo dun tapos nag-iisnaban tayo? LOL. Dapat pag may nagpunta dun i-declare kagad ang nickname. Si Rommeltolentino and Dwight Ta-ala ang sasabihin mga real names nila. At least ako first name lang. hehehe!

No bucks, no Buck Rogers

  • Member since
    November 2003
  • From: Manila, Philippines
Posted by shrikes on Monday, December 8, 2003 11:42 AM
Teka, teka, teka... Ilan ba talaga ang pinoy dito? Alex Amarra (in the US), Allan, buddha, Dwight, Nestor (nkm1416), Scalepinoy, me and now rommeltolentino...
Why do i have a feeling that i'm sure we've bumped into each other at one point or another at Lil's or some other hobby shop... Smile [:)] Wala lang.
Blackadder: This plan's as cunning as a fox that used to be Professor of cunning at Oxford University but has now moved on and is working with the U.N at the high commission of cunning planning
  • Member since
    July 2003
  • From: Philippines
Posted by Dwight Ta-ala on Monday, December 8, 2003 2:19 AM

I think this is what you want to show us:

It would be great to have decals of PAF. Thanks for the info at least I know where get one when needed.


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