It's a great day, I just hope the weather holds out for the celebrations today.
I "built" the Wright Flyer many, many years ago. Actually, my mother did most of the building as I was about six or seven at the time. Still, it was pretty cool waking up each morning and seeing that model on a shelf in my bedroom.
I did wonder, however, why there was a bench, a shovel, a little box, and some sort of half railroad track with the plane. I understand now about the catapult, and I think the bench was used as a rest for one of the wings. The shovel would be necessary to move sand around as needed, but what's with the other pieces of equipment in the famous photo?
What's in the little box, and what's in the can next to it. I suppose it's a toolbox and a can of aircraft dope, but I'm not sure. Does anyone know?