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Italeri 1/48 MV-22 Osprey WIP

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  • From: Houston, Texas
Italeri 1/48 MV-22 Osprey WIP
Posted by Medicman71 on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 9:01 AM

Well after much proding, here are a few pics to start my MV-22 Osprey WIP. Updates may be slow in coming due to work and a impending move in September. There's not a lot of detail to the inside of the cargo area and no ceiling either. I'm still thinking of what to do about the ceiling (any suggestions would be helpful). This is the first model i've done in.......well a very long time so be gentle. But any tips and suggestions are always appreciated. I've learned a lot from ya'll and i'm applying what i've learned to it.

So first are some pics of my work bench. Going to add to it after we move.








Now for the Osprey!!!







Well that's it so far. Hope to get some more work done on it this weekend. More to come.

Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


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Posted by jetmodeler on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 11:17 AM

Looks like your off to a great start. This should be interesting. I've never seen a completed model of the Osprey before.


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Posted by rjkplasticmod on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 4:11 PM

Looking good so far.  keep us posted.

Regards,  Rick

RICK At My Age, I've Seen It All, Done It All, But I Don't Remember It All...
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Posted by modelchasm on Thursday, July 22, 2010 6:28 PM

Looks like a nice start here, MM. Looks like you're just about ready to start plumbing things in .... think you got enough wire? You're going to need it! HAHA!

Thanks for sharing .... I'll be following this one. Just be sure to take good notes as this one will be coming up in my stash soon.....

"If you're not scratching, you're not trying!"  -Scott

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Posted by tomcat4evr on Thursday, July 22, 2010 8:34 PM

it will look great once you finish and good luck i have build one before   and here is a picture of it too to help you out


  • Member since
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Posted by Medicman71 on Saturday, July 24, 2010 9:14 AM


it will look great once you finish and good luck i have build one before   and here is a picture of it too to help you out


Thanks for the pic. It looks great. I have a question for ya. Did you have a big gap on top where the wing meets the fuselage? I was test fitting and found this massive gap!

As far as plumming the cargo area, Not sure if I wanna go all out. If I did, I might never finish. Lol. And of course there's the issue of no ceiling there either.

Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


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Posted by jason18 on Saturday, July 24, 2010 10:39 AM



What kit is this?  I've always wanted to do a drone.  BTW, cool pics.  Osprey's lookin' good.


On the Bench: 1/48 Esci Agusta-Bell AB.205 Iroquois

                           1/72 Academy Sopwith Camel


  • Member since
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Posted by Medicman71 on Saturday, July 24, 2010 2:23 PM





What kit is this?  I've always wanted to do a drone.  BTW, cool pics.  Osprey's lookin' good.

It's my 1/72 Predator. It's just waiting for paint and the landing gear and Hellfires.

Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


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Posted by Medicman71 on Thursday, August 12, 2010 6:15 PM

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Work keeps me busy. Here's what's been going on with the Osprey. I started on the engine naccels and had to add some scratch built exhaust covers. That was long and tedious. Discovered I had the "dash board" and cockpit instrument panel in the wrong spot so I had to do some minor corrective surgery on that. I also decided to make a roof for the cargo area (There ya go Modelchasm). Scratch building some stuff on that as well. I hope to have some stuff painted and put together this weekend and take pics. More to come this weekend.

Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


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Posted by modelchasm on Thursday, August 12, 2010 8:55 PM

YEAH!!!! A CEILING!!!! ...... HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like you've been hard at work. Can't wait to see the updates ......

"If you're not scratching, you're not trying!"  -Scott

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Posted by fermis on Thursday, August 12, 2010 10:09 PM

Here's a few crappy pics of pics. My best buddy is a crew chief on these things. Lighting sucked for pics, but it was pretty cool to climb around in them!!!

Of note is the sizable gap where the wing meets the fuse.   And the painted tail!!!

008-8.jpg picture by fermisb







I love this pic!!! It doesn't show in the pic, but these "twentyscrews" had a weird, metallic looking paint, almost reflective looking.


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Posted by Medicman71 on Friday, August 13, 2010 2:34 PM

Thanks for the pics Fermis. I have a ton of pics that I got on a CD when I ordered the decals from Flying Leathernecks. They have tons of walk-a-round pics. Yeah the early Ospreys had that weird paint job. The new paint jobs are your standard three tone grey scheme.

Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


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Posted by Medicman71 on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 2:19 PM

Ok, I'm back. Because of the move it took long than I thought to get back to the Osprey but I have good news.......New Pics!!! Here they are.






So that's it for now. It's my first time scratch building and using Bare Metal Foil. I have a few more details to do before I close her up. As always...comments or suggestions are always welcome.

Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


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Posted by Hans von Hammer on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 3:00 AM


Well after much proding, here are a few pics to start my MV-22 Osprey WIP. Updates may be slow in coming due to work and a impending move in September. There's not a lot of detail to the inside of the cargo area and no ceiling either. I'm still thinking of what to do about the ceiling (any suggestions would be helpful). This is the first model i've done in.......well a very long time so be gentle. But any tips and suggestions are always appreciated. I've learned a lot from ya'll and i'm applying what i've learned to it.

So first are some pics of my work bench. Going to add to it after we move.






That ain't no workbench...

THIS is a workbench...



  • Member since
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  • From: Houston, Texas
Posted by Medicman71 on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 9:42 AM

My OCD would go into overload if my work bench got like And those are pics of my work bench at the old apartment. Here's some pics of the work bench in the new house.


I still have to put my cork boards back up and some posters up. The walls are way to empty.

Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


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  • From: Houston, Texas
Posted by Medicman71 on Wednesday, November 3, 2010 4:05 PM

Here's some pics of the wing. Now all the pics i've seen of the Osprey parked show it with the flaps down. I'm sure there's a way to do it but not exactly sure. Thought of using Milliput and stock styrene, cutting the flaps off with a razor saw.

But i'd like to get some ideas from others if possible. Thanks.



Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


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  • From: East TX
Posted by modelchasm on Friday, November 5, 2010 9:01 PM

Glad to see some progress on this one ....

I had the chance to see another 22 up close at the Alliance Airshow in Fort Worth last weekend. Wanted to get some good, close pics, but it was really busy and people were all over the place. As soon as I got set up to take a picture, people would walk right up, look at me, and then stand right in front of me ...

As far as "how to" on the flaps ... I've done something similar on a different project. Cut the flaps out, sanded the insides of the flaps so that a styrene (or brass/ alum rod) would fit. That gave me the curved edge I was looking for. Then putty and sand the seams after that.

The 22 that I saw this past weekend had the flaps all the way extended. Might be a small challenge, but not impossible.

Looking forward to more progress. Great work so far.....

"If you're not scratching, you're not trying!"  -Scott

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  • From: Houston, Texas
Posted by Medicman71 on Friday, November 5, 2010 9:29 PM

Hey thankjs. Yeah that's what I was thinking. I cut one flap off yesturday so I could see what I needed. I'm going to the hobby store tomorrow to get what I need. Doesn't look like it's going to be to hard.

All of the Osprey pics that i've seen that are parked or on the ground have the flaps all the way down. That's why I decided to do it. I'll have more pics in the next few days.

Oh and did you see? There is a roof in there!!

Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


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Posted by Medicman71 on Sunday, November 7, 2010 4:07 PM

Ok got both flaps cut off now and cleaned up somewhat. I got all the supplies I needed yesturday. I'll post some pics tomorrow.

Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


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Posted by Medicman71 on Monday, November 8, 2010 2:10 PM


Well here they are. The flaps are cut off. Working on filling the panel line on the top of the flaps. That's not there when they're extended. Now it's time for a lot of scratch building.


Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


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Posted by Medicman71 on Friday, November 12, 2010 7:09 PM

Ok, So here's another update. Not a whole lot to show. Lots of filling, shaping, sanding, etc coming up.

Here's a pic of the side upper door opened up.

This is part of the interior that will go behind the front bulkhead.

 And here are two pics of the beginnings of the flaps. Lots of work to do on those yet.


Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


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  • From: Houston, Texas
Posted by Medicman71 on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 4:08 PM

New update. After a few people pointed out that I had missed a major detail, I went about fixing it. The big hump on top of the wing has to go as this is only on the Prototype Osprey and not on the production birds. So I cut it out and replaced it with sheet styrene. Used gap filling glue and that's where we're at right now. LOTS of putty and sanding to come. Should be close to closing up the fuselage soon as well. Then on to finishing the flaps and engines.

Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


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Posted by modelchasm on Monday, November 22, 2010 9:42 AM

Lookin good on the progress ... that interior is really coming along. Thanks for all the pictures. Will be helpful when I break into my Osprey kit. Didn't know that about the hump? Besides comments, what reference materials are you using for this one? Just curious....

Nice work thus far. Keep us posted....

"If you're not scratching, you're not trying!"  -Scott

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  • From: Houston, Texas
Posted by Medicman71 on Tuesday, November 23, 2010 5:43 PM

I'm using the walk around CD from Flying Leathernecks that came with the decals. I've had some help from a guy that's built the acctual aircraft over on the ARC Forums. There's a lot wrong with the kit as far as accuracy. I'll send you the ling to the post and you can see his on there along with all the corrections that need to be made.

Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


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Posted by yardbird78 on Tuesday, November 23, 2010 11:38 PM

Nice work on the Osprey so far.  The flap and "hump" mod is quite a project in itself.  The interior is really sharp.  Keep us posted.

Darwin, O.F.  Alien



The B-52 and me, we have grown old, gray and overweight together.

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Posted by Medicman71 on Wednesday, November 24, 2010 2:15 AM

Thanks Darwin. The hump on the back wasn't so bad. The flaps will be filled and sanded to shape soon. They'll be left off till the very end of the build. I plan on closing the two fuselage halves and attaching the wing. Then the filling and sanding begins!!

Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


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  • From: East TX
Posted by modelchasm on Sunday, November 28, 2010 6:25 PM

Thanks for the link in the PM again .... might have to check out those decals and the CD....

Stop eatin' turkey and give us another update!!! Hahahah!!!

"If you're not scratching, you're not trying!"  -Scott

  • Member since
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  • From: Houston, Texas
Posted by Medicman71 on Monday, November 29, 2010 4:16 PM

Here's a new update. Got the two halves of the fuselage together and the tail on. Next up will be the wing itself.




Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129


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  • From: East TX
Posted by modelchasm on Tuesday, November 30, 2010 11:47 AM

Nice! Looks like there's still some seam issues, but that might just be the way it looks. I'm sure that it'll all be fine when the primer hits it.

... and are those engines sitting back there???

"If you're not scratching, you're not trying!"  -Scott

  • Member since
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  • From: Houston, Texas
Posted by Medicman71 on Tuesday, November 30, 2010 1:57 PM

Yes there are still some seams to take care of. Need to sand some more areas. I think some of them will disapear after some primer.

Yes the engines are sitting back there. They're gonna be a beast to get together right. After I finish with the wing, they'll be next. I scatch built some details for the engines. They're not perfect, but after painting and weathering them I think they'll be ok.

Building- (All 1/48) F-14A Tomcat, F-16C Blk 30, He 129



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