Texgunner hi
i've got tamiya's f-8 and one of the options is just what you're looking for!!
it's theit usual tropical sche,e of sand yellow with a mottle topside, rlm65 (i think, as tam use their own "mixes" - a real pain!
) underneath with white fuselage band.
anyway, the topside cross is similar to early luftwaffe ones: solid black cross, thin white surround, with thin black outline surrounding that. not the best description i know but i haven't got a scanner or anything like that!!
i have loads of these spare in 1/48 by the way, but have a hunt on the net as there are loads of aftermarket schemes for 190s - inc f-8's - out there on the web.
try http://www.aeromaster.com/ and http://www.meteorprod.com/CEMdecalstop.html for starters.
hope this helps.