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SuperNova, don't fret. Learn with each effort. There are some great tutorials out there on Youtube. Also Finescale has good articles in the mag and on this website. You can learn a lot without some of the fear of screwing up by reading about some of these techniques. It never hurts to try out some of the plastic welds, body putties, and sand papers on old hulks or low cost kits. It's easier to risk something cheap rather than a $30 kit. But in the end practice will make you better at this hobby. Rick
Nice build, love the colors. the cockpit looks very good. i've yet to build a mossie. the seams look like the fuselage halves never got glued in the first place. if u are using liquid cement, it should just melt the plastic together while you hold pressure. you wont' be left with gap then. good luck on future builds and keep them coming!
I'm getting back into the hobby and am getting back with a 1/72 Mossie from Hasegawa with the Costal Command scheme. I think I will keep this one in mind though if I ever feel the need to build another Mossie down the road.
BaBill212 Nice job, but I do agree with Owl,,,, fuselage, wing and wing root seams could use a bit of attention.
Nice job, but I do agree with Owl,,,, fuselage, wing and wing root seams could use a bit of attention.
I also agree. As I said the parts fit was generally good, and I didn't make a big effort to correct those, mostly out of fear of screwing something up. The finished product does look good, and most people don't seem to notice.
Next plane I build I will work on making more of an effort...
I play World of Tanks! (Yeah, I'm a dork)If anybody has one of those kits with the WoT coupons inside, I'll be happy to take them off of your hands! :-)
Enjoy the ride!
nice mosquito. There are a few seams on the fuselage (top and belly) that really pop put, but its a darn good effort.
Now that I'm here, where am I??
I just started this kit the other day (I'm one of the sheeple building the two-tone version...) - I hope mine looks half as good as yours when it's finished! Nice work! Like the cockpit - the seatbelts really do add to it. Makes me wonder why the manufactureres don't have the seat-belts as part of the kit when they add such an important effect to the overall appeareance of the cockpit.
Nice looking Mossie.
Science is the pursiut of knowledge, faith is the pursuit of wisdom. Peace be with you.
On the Tarmac: 1/48 Revell P-38
In the Hanger: A bunch of kits
Just finished my Tamiya Mosquito in glorious 1/48 scale.
It is pretty much box stock, other than the seat belts in the cockpit, which are Eduard Photo-etch. It's amazing what a simple improvement like that adds to the finished product.
The upper-surface of the aircraft was done in Tamiya Spray AS-27 (Gunship Gray 2) From the can, and the underside is AS-18 (Light Gray IGA). All other colors were brush-painted (due to my lack of an airbrush). The colors may not be exactly accurate for a 'Navalish' Mosquito, but they are pretty close. At least as close as possible with what little Tamiya Paint my LHS has left...
One thing that I love about this particular Mossie is that plenty of people build the Night Fighter version and the standard 2-tone version, but this version seems rarely touched.
I'm pretty sure that this is an anti-sub Mosquito, judging by the rockets on the wings and the 'Navalish' shades of gray.
I hope you like it. This is probably my best aircraft built to date. I also have a Tamiya 1/350 I-400 and a 1/350 Trumpeter USS England on deck...
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