Rebel 99 what are the parts D17, D20, B21, L5, L7, L10 for?
I assume that B20, B22 B23,adn L8 are for the LANTIRN Pod?
and third with the OEF decal sets from Twobobs the list something called an LDT. Which is the LDT and which is FLIR?
Thanks again and get well soon.
Take care. I will be building and A and C respcetivley after all sorry about that. At my current skill level it doesn't seam viable to do more than and OOB kit.
One more question. On that Twobobs sheet talking about OEF, the list MK 82's as a payload option. Would they typically carry one, two, three or six of these MK 82's.
Phantoms rule the skies!!!