Whaz up Garris
What MFG is the B-25(Monogram,Italeri,Accurate Min),what scale and does it have raised or engraved lines??. Anywho.....
Your first question I am not sure really on how to reproduce bullet holes/cracks on the canopies glass(I have not yet done that but I will one of these days LOL). I have heard from others that they use a brand new #11 exacto blade.
For your second question, where is the damage/hits gonna be??(just wondering) I would use a dremal and sanding bit and sand the inside of the fuselage/wings ect. By doing this you thin out the plastic.
Then from the outside take again a new #11blade and proceed with making your bullet holes. Just REMEMBER go slow cause you dont want to over do it...!!!! If you make it too big it will look like a cannon ball went thru it LMAO. On this part it is easier for me to show than type it out
As for the weathering I wing it. Its all on how I feel or how I want to present the the a/c. I use polyscale paint (scale black or a dirty drk brown)(water based)thined w/ distilled water. The ratio of paint to water is all up to you.
Then I brush the "smudge wash" onto the engraved lines. After about 15min for drying time, I go back over it w/ moistenQ-tips. I repeat these steps till I'm pleased w/ the out come. Also Paul Boyer had an article about "smudge wash" a few mnths ago.
As for other weather I start of w/ a base coat of flat black or scale black(this is also my primer) As I build the paint up in light coats, this produces natural shadowing where natural shadowing should be. Its easier done than said LOL..!!! Hope this helps ya a bit.
I'm sure someone will help ya out on your first part. Good luck. Flaps up, Mike
If you would listen to everybody about the inaccuracies, most of the kits on your shelf would not have been built Too Close For Guns, Switching To Finger