I'm building my first aircraft. I have experience building Gundam kits, and I've built a tank kit before as well. This attempt is on a 1/72 P51 Mustang from Hasegawa.
The fuselage is silver while the cockpit area is khaki with handpainted parts. Should I prime and paint the cockpit first (including handpainting) before gluing it and the fuselage together? I assume then I sand off the seal lines, mask off the cockpit and prime the fuselage?
What about the tail and fin? The manual says they should be red. Should I spray them separately, then attach or attach first and mask off areas? From past experience, the Tamiya glue I use strips off paint so it could be tricky to paint first.
There is a green area on the top side of the plane in front of the cockpit. Do I spray the green on first, then mask it off when doing the silver? Or the other way around?