I started this build with my 14 year old son but he's got other things he's worried about now, and I think I'd like to surprise him with this thing when it's finished. Something he can have on his shelf and make his friends jealous of lol.
So we've gotten to the part where you quickly realize you should have bought another kit. Sanding, filling, and more sanding, and more filling. Making the attempt at trying to save the raised details is heroic, and Toshi, you have my respect for making that attempt buddy.
Filling in the gaps.
I'm using the closed canopy as a mask. The separate pieces fit better if I remember correctly.
No chance at saving this detail. Not after this Bondo attack. I may end up with a smooth bird.
You can sort of see the IP. I didn't try to do anything fancy here. Just white dials. Some of the other controls are more elaborate, such as the throttle levers and such, but I kept it basic as I was teaching my son the basics.
My pilot. He's way too skinny. I think they need to feed him a sandwich, or a steak, er sumthin'.
So that's where I'm at with this build.
Thanks for looking. :)