If your friend flew the F-4E, he will have pictures. If he's married, conspire with his wife to get a look at the pictures and then, build HIS bird. I did this for a friend who flew them as Wild Weasels in Vietnam. When finished, it had the correct tail codes and serial numbers as well as ordnance for a mission. I mounted it on a plaque from Michaels and went to a trophy shop and had a small brass plaque engraved "Dewey's Weasel." Dewey balled like a baby when his Wife and I gave it to him and spent the rest of the evening crawling around the coffee table making "jet noises." I used Monogram's 1/48th scale kit.
If just want to give him a great model of an F-4E, may I suggest the 366th TFW's "Chico the Gunfighter." Look it up on google. I know about it because my Father was the 366th TFW's Wing Line Chief.