Thank you, friends!
Nezih - I agree with your opinion about Griffon Spitfires - they look really attractive. The kit is very easy to build, as most of Academy models - fit is decent, I use only a "few drops" of putty. The only problem is the shape of engine cowl - I was told it's to flat and Quickboost makes a correction set. I've bought this set but didn't use, since I couldn't notice a big difference between Academy and Quickboost parts.
Now I'm building another Academy Spitfire XIV - this time Mk XIVe with "tear drop" canopy. Hope to show her soon (but not before New Year).
I would to make a Turkish Spitfire I, but have no decals, but it's not a problem. And there is still P-24C on my waiting list I would to make as a Turkish fighter!