Be careful what you buy. The manuals can be very expensive and there are generally several manuals for each type of aircraft, e.g. flight manual, repair and/or service manual, engine manuals, electronics manuals, etc. I have a set of repair and maintanence manuals for a Lockheed Electra model 10 and they costs about $600. Having a set of drawings scaled to 1/8th scale was another $250. I have anoither several hundred dollars in Evergreen sheet plastic, glue, resin, and molding materials. The two Williams Brothers Wasp radials in 1/8th scale were $35 each and the electric motors and machined landing gear with worm gear retract mechanism will be another 2 to 3 hundred.
So, where are you going with your project? Generally the "In Action" and/or "Walk Around", and sources like Gintner referrence sources are sufficient to build a great accurate model with plenty of added scratch built details. And, they will not cost you an arm and a leg.