Gentlemen, thanks a lot for your comments!
Gamera - nah, I do all kinds of stuff :-)) Like those babies:
I'd love to do some boats, but I'm still working on the technology to do some water...
The tow tractor is almost two inches long - 49mm to be more exact.
Bish - that's right, those babies are expensive. I gave almost 25$ for this tractor, but this money saves me lots of time when compared with scratchbuilding, so I've said, let's do it. And it's a nice kit with PE and decals.
Toshi - welcome aboard! I wouldn't be myself if I didn't add some wire to my model, now would I? :-))
Speaking about the wire - I have a little update for you, where I put some more parts together. I replaced some of the easier PE with wire so that the details would be sturdier. The huffer box on the rear isn't glued in place yet - I want to have it separate to put on a very delicate exhaust shroud made of PE mesh (from the kit). Here's what it looks now:
Thanks for looking, I hope you liked it - best greetings and have a nice day