An old friend in his eighties and ex-Navy pilot (My Hero I call him) gave me a couple of old plastic models that he was going to build in the 1950s but didn't get around to it. He had lots of hours in the Cougar and later flew a Skyray. I decided to build the 1/48 model to surprise him. The 1/82 Aurora kit is also pictured with it. I for the life of me cannot remember the brand name of the built one.
It was big fun to build as I had done several of these in the 1950s as a kid. The decals were long gone and the mold had raised lines (which made decals of the time difficult to make look good.) I hand painted in the lines as we did in the day and they were no better or worse of a job than my work from the past.
It was not a good build for todays standards but a nostalgic one that was indeed fun. He had never expected me to build it for him and he too was excited. Just a fun story that the guys from that era might enjoy.