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Spitfires bought with brazilian donations on WW2

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    November 2005
Spitfires bought with brazilian donations on WW2
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, March 22, 2003 6:37 PM
Hi folks.
I live in Brazil and I am planning to build a spitfire.
I read that during WWII there was a "spitfire funding" where people or associations could donate money for buying RAF new spitfires.
I also read that 5 spitfires were bought with brazilian donations and I would like to know the colour scheme, markings, camouflage scheme, etc. so that I could build one of these.
Does anybody have info on that subject?
  • Member since
    February 2003
  • From: Niagara Falls NY
Posted by Butz on Saturday, March 22, 2003 8:12 PM
Have you checked w/ squadron online??. Cause they have a "In Action" on the spitfire. Also Osprey has a quite a few books on the spits aswell.
Another way is to go to (GOOGLE) I think and do a search for "Brazilian Spitfire Pictures" or "Brazilian Spitfire References" I'm on lunch at work and I did a search and got a good response. Hopefully this info will be of help to ya.
Flaps up,Mike

My fiancee is from El Salvador, so I want to do a F-51 Mustang that they used between the early to mid 50's(she wants me to do it actually) I have a lot of ref pics and boy the paint scheme looks like it had jumped into the mud and then rolled in the grassTongue [:P]. O boy will it be fun...!!!

  If you would listen to everybody about the inaccuracies, most of the kits on your shelf would not have been built Too Close For Guns, Switching To Finger

  • Member since
    January 2003
Posted by convair on Monday, March 24, 2003 11:23 PM
Olá Gustavo, se vc. leu a reportagem "Asas brasileiras p/ sua Majestade" da revista "Asas" no. 2 (Agosto/Setembro 2001) deve ter visto a legenda da foto na pág. 55 falando do Spitfire código "BM634". Talvez a partir daí (avião BM634) vc. possa determinar para que esquadrão ele foi, e achar a matrícula; talvez aquelas revistinhas "Profile", antigas, tenham essa informação. Quanto à camuflagem, devia ser a pintura padrão da RAF na época; como exemplo, posso citar os Typhoons doados pelo "Fole" à RAF, do tipo MK-1A e MK-1B, que tinham as seguintes camuflagens: Dark Green/Dark Earth por cima, e Sky tipo "S" por baixo, ou Dark Green/Ocean Gray por cima, e Medium Sea Gray por baixo, estes últimos com marcas de invasão (faixas pretas/brancas nas asas e fuselagem), coisa absolutamente normal para aquela ocasião; assim, os Spits também deviam ter a camuflagem normal (Dk.Green/Earth, Sky), comum para aquela época. Se vc. quiser fazer um Typhoon do "Fole", tenho os códigos dos aviões e as matrículas (e até desenho da camuflagem/marcas de invasão), do esquadrão 193 (jan/43 a agosto/45). Só por curiosidade, todos esses Typhoons tinham matrícula começando com as letras DP.
Bem, espero que isso te ajude, não havia nada de especial nos Spits "brasileiros", a não ser as matrículas, que temos de pesquisar mais para descobrir quais eram. Grande abraço!
  • Member since
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  • From: Pominville, NY
Posted by BlackWolf3945 on Monday, March 24, 2003 11:43 PM
Perdoe por favor meu portugues pobre.

Poderia voce repetir aquele em ingles, se possível?

Eu sou interessado também em Spitfires financiado brazilian.


Desvaneça-se para enegrecer-se... (Fade to Black... ?)

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 6:55 PM
Amigo Convair,
Obrigado pelas informações. Te agradeceria caso pudesse me enviar os dados que vc tem do typhoon.
Consegui outras informações a respeito dos spit brasileiros: chamavam-se de "Brazil no. 1" até "Brazil no. 5" além de um chamado "botafogo" (que belo trocadilho, hein?), e outros chamados "fluminense" e "carioca". O Brazil No. 1 era o BS545 e era um mk.V e o botafogo era o BM161. Andei pesquisando!
Como faço para saber as 3 letras grandes pintadas antes e depois da insignia britânica?
Mais uma vez, obrigado.
Ah, curiosidade, você é de onde? RJ? SP? Eu sou do Piauí. Por aqui sou só no hobby... uma pena!

And for our colleague BlackwolfSCD,
The news is that there is a brazilian magazine called "Asas", no. 2, from august/september 2000, with a subject "Asas brasileiras p/ sua Majestade" (Brazilian wings for her majesty). On that article, there is a picture with a Spitfire with inscription "BM634". Our friend Convair says the camouflage scheme must be Dark Green/Dark Earth above and Sky type "S" below or Dark Green/Ocean Gray above and Medium Sea Gray below with the later with invasion black&White stripes.
By the way, you can write well in portuguese. How do you know it? Do you have brazilian frriends (curiosity!) or was it a translating software?
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, March 27, 2003 6:05 AM
Brasileiros, modelistas, uni-vos.
Gustavo e Convair, sou modelista (nas poucas horas vagas) e curto muito a aviação de caça da 2º Guerra. Moro em Niterói (RJ) e tenho como fontes de consulta e pesquisa as revistas Finescale e Replic, e principalmente a Intenet. Achei interessante a história desses Spitfires, nunca tinha ouvido falar. Vou dar pesquisada por aí e mando notícias.

Uma dúvida: vcs sabem como anexar imagens às respostas? Poderíamos trocar algumas fotos de modelos nossos!
  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: Pominville, NY
Posted by BlackWolf3945 on Thursday, March 27, 2003 7:22 AM

Thanks for posting that in English, I greatly appreciate it! Big Smile [:D]

Unfortunately, I did use translation software, so I can take no credit whatsoever for what was actually written! Shy [8)]

But I have come to recognize the difference between certain similar languages such as Spanish and Portuguese or German and Swiss, etc, so I guess that's saying something! Tongue [:P]

Also, I didn't know if the software would properly convey my words and that's why I apologized beforehand. I just didn't know how it was going to sound to someone who spoke the language! Glad it came through okay.

Thanks again!

Fade to Black...
  • Member since
    January 2003
Posted by convair on Monday, March 31, 2003 4:40 PM
Maurício Valle & Gustavo, eu estou em SP, boa idéia trocar fotos de modelos, porém neste fórum não dá pra colocar imagens (ao contrário do excelente "it's all about warfare"...). Mandar fotos só direto, via e-mail, aí vcs. precisam fornecer os seus. Mas quem sabe não fazemos nossa "panelinha" em português, aqui; espero que os "outros" amigos não fiquem muito bravos com o nosso "exótico" (para eles) idioma. No mínimo haverá curiosidade em saber o que estamos falando; será que vai ter bronca?? Vamos testar...
  • Member since
    February 2003
Posted by Nelson Ott on Wednesday, April 2, 2003 7:11 AM
Olá convair, mauriciovalle e Gustavo, sou plastimodelista há uns35 anos (!!), de SP capital. Já escrevi antes neste forum no nosso idioma exotico, o que gerou muita curiosidade. Foi engraçado !

Quanto aos Spits do Brasil, já vi fotos até em livros estrangeiros, não me lembro quais. Vamos pesquisar !

Um abraço a todos,

Nelson Ott
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, April 3, 2003 12:38 PM
Vou escanear algumas fotos. Não tenho tantos modelos BONS. Meu hobby divide-se em três fases: dos 6 aos 8 anos montava os modelos (sempre aviões, da Revell) com muita pressa e sem nenhuma pintura, apenas colocava os decais e brincava com eles até que se desmanchassem. Dos 12 aos 15 retornei e desta vez procurava dar um melhor acabamento de montagem e pintava os modelos com pincel e tinta esmalte (ainda tenho alguns "sobreviventes") antes de colocá-los sobre uma estante. Já adulto, de uns cinco anos pra cá, resolvi encarar o hobby com mais "responsabilidade". A Internet foi decisiva, pois me forneceu dicas fantásticas. Investi num aerógrafo e num compressor de ar com reservatório. Tudo isto me fez ficar cada vez mais exigente com os resultados. Hoje pesquiso muito, na Internet, antes de "abrir" um kit. Procuro detalhar o máximo possível meus modelos, dentro da escala da minha preferência que é a 1:72. Vai ser muito legal trocar idéias com outros modelistas.
  • Member since
    January 2003
Senta a pua!
Posted by convair on Friday, May 9, 2003 5:06 PM
Só para colocar de novo esse "post' na berlinda; não nos esqueçamos, amigos modelistas!
  • Member since
    January 2003
  • From: Brazil
Posted by jacavoadora on Monday, July 12, 2004 5:23 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by convair

Só para colocar de novo esse "post' na berlinda; não nos esqueçamos, amigos modelistas!

Olá amigos! Fico muito feliz em saber que temos uma "panelinha" brasileira na FSM!
Sou do Rio de Janeiro e curto mais aviação moderna 1/72. Paixão incondicional por Phantons...Big Smile [:D]
[ ]s: Roberto
  • Member since
    December 2002
Posted by Nuno Andresen on Monday, July 12, 2004 5:45 AM
Deixa eu Entrar nessa! Oi Jaca Oi Convair Oi Mauricio Oi Gustavo Oi Butz Daqui a nada o FSM tá falando lingua de Camões neste caso com ritmo de Ivette Sangalo UAU!!!! Podem mandar o corpo dela também!

Gustavo, conheço de outros fóruns caras das associações de Spitfires, deixa eu colocar directo a questão a eles! Se demorar alguns dias não leva a mal, mas promisse que o assunto já está a seguir viagem até terras de Sua Magestade.

Abraço a todos e boa semana!
  • Member since
    December 2002
Posted by Nuno Andresen on Monday, July 12, 2004 5:49 AM
Deixa eu Entrar nessa! Oi Jaca Oi Convair Oi Mauricio Oi Gustavo Oi Butz Daqui a nada o FSM tá falando lingua de Camões neste caso com ritmo de Ivette Sangalo UAU!!!! Podem mandar o corpo dela também!

Gustavo, conheço de outros fóruns caras das associações de Spitfires, deixa eu colocar directo a questão a eles! Se demorar alguns dias não leva a mal, mas promisse que o assunto já está a seguir viagem até terras de Sua Magestade.

Abraço a todos e boa semana!
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, July 12, 2004 10:07 AM
I was posted to Honduras and, briefly, to Panama during the Contra shenanigans during 87-88. I went down a couple of time on AF C-130s (one of which had to VIP travel "pod" inside, and if it weren't so loud and shaky, you would swear you were flying Continental or Delta). But, to the point, Latin American airfields are absolute museums for warbird watchers. Even in their overgrown boneyards you see Corsairs, T-Birds, Thunderbolts, you name it. Of course, my job was to look for U.S. or U.S. made aircraft that, legally, weren't supposed to be there. The well-known CIA contracted Southern Air Transport, with their civilian-model stretched Hercules' were always in the traffic pattern in Panama. When you asked USAF personnel, when I would point out the thing in its SAT livery, without fail, every one of them would look right at it and say, "Southern Air Transport? I don't see any SAT planes around here." Y'know, that gives me an idea. Besides doing soccer war Corsairs, etc. I'd like to do famous CIA aircraft and exclude Air America, because it was just one company under an umbrella of literally scores of CIA airlines, or CIA contractors like Evregreen, SAT and others that remain in business doing less spooky work. I once did a story on a privately owned C-47 for 50th anniversity of the plane, and this specimen at a tiny field in East Texas had spent most of its post WW II life flying in the livery of the CIA's Air Africa. Anybody ever heard of or seen their a/c in markings?
As usual, my childish attention deficit got me way off of a very interesting original topic. Forgive me again, modelers.
I originally wanted to ask someone if Brazil actually had combatant Jugs with Brazilian pilots on our side in WW II. I know they were linked with Nazis during and after the war, but despite the movie title, a great many countries in South America admired the Nazis a little too much, and did more for them than the Brazilians ever did. Paraguay, Uraguay and, of course, Argentina come immediately to mind. Even Interpol all the way to the highest ranks was shot through with SS officers.
Black Eye [B)]
  • Member since
    January 2004
  • From: Brisbane Australia
Posted by ChrisJH666 on Monday, July 12, 2004 11:59 AM
I read a book just recently which had three or four "officially posed" photos of the Spits purchased through Brazilian donations. They all had similar names applied, and I believe they were all dark earth/dark green/sky type S with standard markings. Unfortunately, I can't for the life of me remember where I saw them!!!!! Hopefully it will come back to me. If it does, I'll let you know Sign - With Stupid [#wstupid]

In the queue: 1/48 Beech Staggerwing (RAAF), P38 (RAAF), Vultee Vengeance (RAAF), Spitfire Vb (Malta), Spitfire VIII x2 (RAAF), P39 x2 (RAAF), Martin Baltimore (Malta?), Martin Maryland (Malta), Typhoon NF1b, Hellcat x2 (FAA)



  • Member since
    January 2022
Posted by BellowsBrazil on Monday, January 31, 2022 12:57 PM




Although is a very old post, I would like to tell I recentelly released a book about the the Fellowship of The Bellows in Brazil with all the details about the aircraft donated by brazilian contribution ro RAF during WW2, the book is Operação Brazilian Bellows, with a lot of pictures of the Spitifires donated, color profiles and much more. The text is portuguese.

You can find the book on Amazon Brasil.

Best wishes

Paulo Pinotti


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