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Painting the Berkut

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  • Member since
    November 2005
Painting the Berkut
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 9:50 AM
The model maker suggests that the model be painted flat black, yet
in this picture [img=right][/img=right] it appears to have a mottled look to it. Even in other pictures, the "flatblack" doesn't look right.

It looks like it is dirty, but I am not sure.

BTW, I read somewhere that the way to tell the difference between a novice modeller and an advanced modeller is who looks at the box for detail instructions. They were right. The Berkut pictures that I have found online are not as smoothly detailed as the real thing. I thought I would need lots of putty work, but it appear to be almost done.
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, March 23, 2004 2:41 PM
To me it seemed to have almost a satin sheen to it, so I went with Humbrol 85 Satin Coal Black.

That is an interesting photo though, almost reminds me of the patchy semi matt/semi satin look you used to get on some SR-71s.

Anywats, that's my tuppence worth.


Rob M.

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