AC-130 gunships (and Fat Albert RATO take-offs) have always been a fascination to me. What a scary weapon the AC is. I built a 1/48 AC-130 Revell or maybe Testors, years ago but after a bad crash and not being satisfied with my construction it was scrapped and somewhat forgotten.
A few years back I went to an airshow in Wichita Kansas and low and behold there sat an AC-130. The crew gave us a great tour and let me play with the Bofers twin 40mm and the 105. What an experience!
The Bofers guns were interesting in that they came directly off of a WWII Battleship and shot WWII ammo. They showed us casings dated in the 1940s. They did say that the craft was off to have the Bofers replaced with some modern 30mm gun. The 20mm front Gatling guns had been removed apparently because of their relatively short range at least compared to the 105, 40s and new 30 allowing for a greater stand-off range.
My last encounter with an AC-130 was two years ago was at the USAF Museum in Dayton which has a historic example, actually the one that the 1/48 Revell model was based on.
Wow, all of this talk and the Gang building these things has renewed my intrest in this. I think I'll opt for the 1/72 version this time as the Museum is running out of room. I'll be watching your build and I'm starting the search as we speak!
Ps--A little side story here. I asked one of the AC-130 crew if it didn't get kinda noisy during an attack. His comment was that the AC-130 was a noisy aircraft anyway and you couldn't tell much difference with the weapons running. Interesting!