Yes, arming for Avengers would be bombs rockets or torpedoes. And done while the wings are folded. An educated guess says that the wings would not be folded out until there is hydraulic pressure from the engine running. I can attach a Victory at Sea clip for you to see some of the process. Weapons are brought to the aircraft on carts from the front. If the engine is running, there is a huge chance for things to go terribly wrong with the ordies and spinning propellers. Not to mention the deck space aspect as well. The TBM takes up a LOT of room with wings out.
Starting at 6:15 on this clip you'll see the Avengers being armed up... rockets are seen being wheeled to them
F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!
U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!
N is for NO SURVIVORS...
- Plankton