Gloss, Decal, Gloss again to seal, then weather & finish coat.
You will be fine with Future/Kleer thin coats only.
For a semi-gloss, allow to dry & re-coat for a glossier finish.
You can also mat Future down with up to 5-10% Tamiya X21 Flat base.
Spray thin coats of neat Future, then a coat of Future + X21, for a mat finish.
NB, I have used this with OLD formula Future/Kleer, not the new milky or smelly fragranced stuff.
I've also used Humbrol Enamel, Mat, Gloss & Semi-Gloss, which are fine over Vallejo ModelAir, provided it is fully cured. Some people report that the Humbrol Varnishes will still yellow white markings over time, but I haven't noted this yet.
I Haven't used MM acrylic varnish so can't comment.