Before I start scratch building...
I am looking for some photo etched and resin updates for a Monogram 1:48 B-17G kit that I am converting to a late F model. I am specifically looking for...
- Sparkplug wiring harnesses
- Propeller governors
- Cockpit window frames
- Gun sights, and ammo belts
- Large oxygen bottles
- Tail landing gear and tire
- Main Tires
I know Eduard and Verlinden make upgrade kits that include some of the parts I am looking for but, I would have to buy several kits to get the exact parts I want. I have never seen prop governors, and I cannot find a kit that has sparkplug wiring harnesses. (Eduard's pictures are somewhat hard to read.)
Does anyone have a comprehensive list of all kits and manufacturers of such parts?
Thanks for any information or suggestions!