This is the Revell F-15e me and my son finally finished today.
Well we still have to mount it on a stand and add some effects for the missile firing but the main model is done.
No landing gear as we are making it in flight, I screwed up and grabbed a "wet look" laquier for it instead of a plain clear look, but its ok. The canopy was cracked in box, and Im not well rehersed in fixing that but I know I could have. All in all he just wanted his model done. It was also the first time I used a marker on panel lines, I had never done that before and I like it.
One more note, this was also the very first time I had the oppertunity to work with putty in the seams, I wish I had know about this stuff 20 years ago. Fun build with my son, I think next we want to go super big, like battleship Arizona 1/200 scale big I just hope if we do it, I dont screw it up and do it well for the men it represents.