Looks very good from here. Nothing wrong with the old Monogram kits. You can lightly sand down the raised lines just a tad and will look even better.
About the problems you had:
Sometimes silvering happens no matter how glossy the surface is. Try using Solvaset next time. This product is very strong and will eliminate most of the silvering and will make the decal snuggle down. You can also use a sharp blade to lightly slice the decal area then brush on Solvaset. It will get into the cuts and will kill the silvering.
When using putty shoot some Future over it to act as a primer so the topcoat wil look even.
The canopy frame color is correct as you did it. The first coat will show as the interior color. I like to shoot black next to help make the next color darker.
Another tip, when shooting red or yellow, shoot white first and then the red or yellow. The white will cut down the amount of paint coats and will produce brighter colors.