I was so thrilled that news of a new tool kit in 1/48 was coming, but now my enthusiasm is tempered by test shot photos.
The “Red Line Brigade” has already started discussing ouiline and detail issues, which I normally downplay, but the nose and windscreen/canopy are noticeably wrong even through casual observation. In a nutshell, the clear parts are too tall/deep and the windscreen incorrectly has a scooped lower edge and does not taper enough to the front. The nose appears to be slightly too blunt and possibly short.
In a weird twist of logic, I am considering using the AFV Club kit as a part donor to build the vintage Hawk U-2A I have. Or maybe graft the Hawk nose to the AFV kit. But the intakes have a weird bulge on their sides which would also require correction or grafting from the Hawk kit. I have decals for an ATC U-2A in NMF/da-glo red that I really want to use. Hopefully a fix can be managed, as I had read that the two seat U-2CT is also to be released.