- Member since
January 2004
- From: Brisbane Australia
Posted by ChrisJH666
on Wednesday, December 26, 2018 10:06 PM
Thanks for the reply John. I'm not worried about the aft windows so much, but if the canopy itself is the same size, then using a modified P47 canopy instead of the vacform canopy in the kit becomes a possibility. It makes sense that in wartime if the P47 was basically just a bigger and better Lancer in many respects, they might have simply continued using the Lancer canopy to save time and costs. Apart from the aft windows, they look almost identical, but I don't have the drawings or any other way to check the relative dimensions. It would be great if they were.
In the queue: 1/48 Beech Staggerwing (RAAF), P38 (RAAF), Vultee Vengeance (RAAF), Spitfire Vb (Malta), Spitfire VIII x2 (RAAF), P39 x2 (RAAF), Martin Baltimore (Malta?), Martin Maryland (Malta), Typhoon NF1b, Hellcat x2 (FAA)